Discussion topic: Issues with adding to playlist

This message was authored by kmht0307 This message was authored by: kmht0307

Issues with adding to playlist

I've had Sky Glass for several months now.


i find it confusing when adding programmes to my playlist, for instance I tried to add a film to my playlist that had started 40 minutes prior, it was being broadcasted on BBC1, however when I tried to add it to my playlist, it took me to sky store instead. 

So I had to watch from start instead, but doing that I was unable to keep it for later.


Is that normal?

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This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith Answer

Re: Issues with adding to playlist

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@kmht0307 wrote:

Thank you, I tried it by searching for it now and it does show me BBC iPlayer, however when it was being broadcasted Live it only gave me the option of Sky Store.

Could just be the delay with the platform having to refresh the metadata from iplayer. Perhaps the last time it refreshed the film wasn't available on iplayer yet as the broadcast hadn't started

Sky Stream and Sky Broadband customer

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