Discussion topic: Delivery error

This message was authored by Bean3 This message was authored by: Bean3

Delivery error

I have received delivery of my sky glass tv but not my extra box that was for free ??


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This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith

Re: Delivery error

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Do you have Whole Home added to your account? You require Whole Home to be added and then you can order how many additional pucks you need. Typically when adding Whole Home Syk waive the £39 charge for the first additional puck ordered, which subsquent pucks thereafter being charged.

Sky Stream and Sky Broadband customer

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This message was authored by MisterM18 This message was authored by: MisterM18

Re: Delivery error

I was also promised a free box (Is a puck the same thing or something else?) when I ordered my Sky Glass (over the phone). I never received the free box.


The Sky representative I ordered my Sky Glass through didn't mention anything about having to set up Whole Home and then having to order the free box. He just said I would receive a free box when I ordered Sky Glass.


65" Sky Glass in Anthracite & 145 Mbps Ultrafast Broadband
This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith

Re: Delivery error

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@MisterM18 wrote:

I was also promised a free box (Is a puck the same thing or something else?) when I ordered my Sky Glass (over the phone). I never received the free box.


The Sky representative I ordered my Sky Glass through didn't mention anything about having to set up Whole Home and then having to order the free box. He just said I would receive a free box when I ordered Sky Glass.

Yeah thats not correct, as you can't have more than one puck or Glass TV without also paying for the Whole Home pack. Without the Whole Home pack you can only have one Sky Streaming device registered to your property.

Sky Stream and Sky Broadband customer

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This message was authored by MisterM18 This message was authored by: MisterM18

Re: Delivery error

Presumably@Bean3 must have been told something similar to me, when they ordered their Sky Glass as well 🤔


65" Sky Glass in Anthracite & 145 Mbps Ultrafast Broadband
This message was authored by MisterM18 This message was authored by: MisterM18

Re: Delivery error

Just to clarify @MarkGoldsmith are you saying it's not correct that I was promised a free box or it's not correct that the Sky representative did not advise me that I would need to have the Whole Home Pack?


Is it worth me and @Bean3 even ringing Sky to ask where our free boxes are, given that they told me I would receive one is or is it a waste of my time as Sky were never going to send me one anyway? 


65" Sky Glass in Anthracite & 145 Mbps Ultrafast Broadband
This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith

Re: Delivery error

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@MisterM18 wrote:

Just to clarify @MarkGoldsmith are you saying it's not correct that I was promised a free box or it's not correct that the Sky representative did not advise me that I would need to have the Whole Home Pack?


Is it worth me and @Bean3 even ringing Sky to ask where our free boxes are, given that they told me I would receive one is or is it a waste of my time as Sky were never going to send me one anyway? 

Technically what you were told by Sky is correct as you get a "free" stream puck if you take the Whole Home subscription ( as normally for the first additional puck Sky waive the £39 fee). However the Whole Home add-on (which has a monthly fee of £13/month list price - although you may get a offer for a discount for x months) needs to be added to your account to get additional pucks, without it you wouldn't be able to register the pucks against your Sky account.


First thing to check is does Whole Home appear as an active add-on on your Sky account, if it doesn't you would need to add it and then order what ever number of additional pucks you would like.

Sky Stream and Sky Broadband customer

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This message was authored by Exiled-in-HH This message was authored by: Exiled-in-HH

Re: Delivery error

Misunderstandings arise are you sure about what you were told?


To use an additional puck requires a whole home subscription ... perhaps there was a communication breakdown and the fact an whole home subscription was required to get a puck was missed?


Pucks are only loaned and there is a loan fee which may on occasion be reduced to zero🤔

This message was authored by MisterM18 This message was authored by: MisterM18

Re: Delivery error

There's was neither any 'misunderstanding' on my part or any 'communication breakdown' @Exiled-in-HH  I made contemporaneous notes at the time I had the telephone conversation with the Sky representative when I ordered my Sky Glass.


As advised above in post #3, the Sky representative I ordered my Sky Glass through didn't mention anything about having to set up Whole Home and then having to order the free box. He just said I would receive a free box when I ordered Sky Glass.


65" Sky Glass in Anthracite & 145 Mbps Ultrafast Broadband
This message was authored by Exiled-in-HH This message was authored by: Exiled-in-HH

Re: Delivery error

@MisterM18 a recording rather than notes may have been a better idea😉


Hopefully you now also understand pucks are only loaned and not given away for free🤔


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