Discussion topic: Check Device Power Error

This message was authored by ChrisCarr This message was authored by: ChrisCarr

Check Device Power Error


My Sky TV box is not connecting to my Samsung TV, keeps coming up with a check device power message. 

Gone through trouble shooting on the TV, tried different HDMI cables. Seems like its an error with the Sky box not correctly turning on, or something weird the TV is not letting the box turn on. 

Looking for any suggestions




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This message was authored by mikealanr This message was authored by: mikealanr

Re: Check Device Power Error

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@ChrisCarr  you have posted in the Glass forum which is for the TV. When you say TV box, do you have Sky Stream or Sky Q? It would also be good to understand if this is a new install or of it's just stopped working?


If it is a Sky stream puck, could you try it on another TV at all? This could help rule out the TV. Remember we are fellow subscribers on the forum and have no idea what your setup is unless you are able to provide us with as much information as possible.



65” Sky Glass ocean blue, Sky Live, 4 streaming pucks and EE FTTP Busiest Home (circa 1.6 Gbps download). Former Sky Q, Sky+ HD and Sky+ customer.
Topic Author
This message was authored by ChrisCarr This message was authored by: ChrisCarr

Re: Check Device Power Error


New install for the sky stream puck

TV is new Samsung qe55s90ca

Kind regards 

This message was authored by Padam_Padam This message was authored by: Padam_Padam

Re: Check Device Power Error

@ChrisCarr wrote:


New install for the sky stream puck

TV is new Samsung qe55s90ca

Kind regards 

Does the white light come on on the front of the puck when you power it on? Make sure the HDMI cable is firmly connected. 


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