Discussion topic: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

This message was authored by AWHARR This message was authored by: AWHARR

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

@Gad I'm referring to UHD Sky sports.... is that what you mean or the films? I don't have Sky Cinema so can't comment on whether they have subtitles or not.

This message was authored by Gad This message was authored by: Gad

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes


Thanks for the prompt response,

Sky Atlantic, Game of thrones and Last of us!

Thanks again

This message was authored by AWHARR This message was authored by: AWHARR

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

@Gad Something Sky did mention was if the UHD broadcast is via stream rather than dish it 'may' not have subtitles. This is one of the reasons I'm staying away from Sky Glass.

This message was authored by Gad This message was authored by: Gad

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes


Yes Steaming has a lot of limitation that they do not talk about.

Anyhow, I have dish version and still no subtitles for downloads in UHD , very frustrating 

This message was authored by AWHARR This message was authored by: AWHARR

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

@Gad .. do you get the Sports? Can you see subtitles for UHD Sky Sports?

This message was authored by Gad This message was authored by: Gad

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

@AWHARR I can not find any UHD stuff on Sports , Although I have UHD and Sports subscription

This message was authored by mbcparis This message was authored by: mbcparis

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

There are dedicated UHD channels for sports and sometimes some me events. Can be seen in UHD by pressing the red button.  Clearly you have to have a UHD subscription but on the live events you do get subtitles 

This message was authored by AWHARR This message was authored by: AWHARR

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

@mbcparis , @Gad 


You don't need to press the red button anymore unless there are more games being played than channels available. Sky Sports UHD has a dedicated slot now at 401 and is called SkySpME UHD the football at least does seem to have subtitles on UHD as well as HD.


TNT Sports UHD can be found on channel 493 and is called TNTUltimateUHD and unlike TNTSports1-4 HD does not have any subtitles.


Deaf customers once again second class citizens.



This message was authored by Gad This message was authored by: Gad

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

@AWHARR @mbcparis 

I was able to record Sky sport news in UHD with Subtitles but still can not do the same with on demand , lets hope it comes soon , it is really frustrating, should be an easy fix to take so many years.

This message was authored by LMC247 This message was authored by: LMC247

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

Are there any updates on this?


I, like others, pay for Ultra HD and require subtitles. Many of the same movies / shows can be found on streaming platforms in UHD/HDR with subtitles, so why can't Sky also provide these? Furthermore, if there are other formats (HD) of content available on Sky with subtitles, why can't they also be applied to the UHD version? 

This message was authored by Chloe900 This message was authored by: Chloe900

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

I heard subtitles would be available for UHD from summer 2023. There still aren't subtitles available for any UHD programmes or films. Does anyone know when they will be available? I don't understand why it's not possible, when they are available for the same programs that are non-UHD. It's really not accessible- and not inclusive. 

This message was authored by Mark3171 This message was authored by: Mark3171

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

Still no subtitles on. Uhd for sky us paying customers would like an update as now 2024 been told summer 2023 when are we likely to get this why pay for uhd if you can't provide full service 

This message was authored by Annie+UK This message was authored by: Annie+UK

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

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This message was authored by Daviedee This message was authored by: Daviedee

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

Bumping, come on Sky get a grip and sort this out

This message was authored by LMC247 This message was authored by: LMC247

Re: Subtitles (or lack of) on UHD programmes

I spoke with them yesterday after making a complaint. 


Was a useless call as they said they are unable to give me an estimate, unable to tell me why they can't use the subtitles they already have for other formats, and unable to escalate it further. 


Major accessibility fail. 


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