Discussion topic: Subtitles are far too large and intrusive. Friends and family are furious that subtitles can’t be s

This message was authored by Martin+Milkan This message was authored by: Martin+Milkan

Re: Subtitles are far too large and intrusive. Friends and family are furious that subtitles can’t

Hi, I agree with everyone I. The post. Could Sky look at other brands like Apple TV and Netflix to see their sizing of subtitles and replicate them?

This message was authored by Lipsy This message was authored by: Lipsy

Re: Subtitles are far too large and intrusive. Friends and family are furious that subtitles can’t

Why are they using teletext in this day and age of advanced technology.

This message was authored by Mark379 This message was authored by: Mark379

Re: Subtitles are far too large and intrusive. Friends and family are furious that subtitles can’t

I'm a new user with Sky streamer Puck which I got last week and being deaf I need subtitles and there was no way that can be modified to how I want it! Its absolutely bloody enormous and obtrusive and it spoiled the veiwing. I have written to sky and awaiting for an answer.

Apple TV 4K puck does change to how you want it and its perfect, I appreciate some user would need big subtitles but we should have a choice to how we want to veiw the subtitle, Amazon and Netflix do have settings to change so why not Sky? The reason I got Sky is for UHD and HD to make the most of my OLED TV and the picture quality is really good but the enormous Subtitle really spoiled the veiwing!!

This message was authored by Bullyforme This message was authored by: Bullyforme

Re: Subtitles are far too large and intrusive. Friends and family are furious that subtitles can’t

Unfortunately Mark you are not alone if you look back Sky have ignored this problem for many years,

I  think their idea is they have supplied subtitles you can take it or leave it, there are hundreds of requests to alter the size and position o them still no response.

This message was authored by Mark379 This message was authored by: Mark379

Re: Subtitles are far too large and intrusive. Friends and family are furious that subtitles can’t

It's not good enough as far as I'm concerned I will cancel that and go back to Apple TV 

This message was authored by RCotswold This message was authored by: RCotswold

Re: Subtitles are far too large and intrusive. Friends and family are furious that subtitles can’t

As a newcomer to sky puck streaming; very disconcerted to see and learn that the subtitles cannot be altered. As one who relies on subtitles for many programmes this is insytrusive and mars my enjoyment.  Trustthat sky with its numerous and many tech geeks will solve this problem with immediate effect.

This message was authored by Unders2 This message was authored by: Unders2

Re: Subtitles are far too large and intrusive. Friends and family are furious that subtitles can’t

Sky will never change their antiquated sub titles. As long as we keep paying subscriptions that's all they're interested in. I've long given up on getting anything positive from sky on this. 

This message was authored by Anonymous This message was authored by: Anonymous

Re: Subtitles are far too large and intrusive. Friends and family are furious that subtitles can’t

Sorry to disappoint you @RCotswold but there is zero chance Sky will sort this issue. People have been complaining loudly about it for many years and they've done nothing to address it. The only way to avoid the monstrous subtitles is to either not use them or cancel your subscription and move to a service that cares about their customers. 

This message was authored by Sue11112 This message was authored by: Sue11112

Re: Subtitles are far too large and intrusive. Friends and family are furious that subtitles can’t

Absolutely stupid I need subtitles but they are way too big and too far off bottom.so.cover too much of.screen


Can you not give.optoons to reduce size and location to.bottom of screen.  You are sky tv so can afford this small.fix



This message was authored by Noeld This message was authored by: Noeld

Re: Subtitles are far too large and intrusive. Friends and family are furious that subtitles can’t

Just adding my voice here . Can't believe there isn't a way to change the subtitles size . How hard could this be. Ridiculous how big they are currently - cover a huge chunk of the screen and not fair to mixed audiences when somebody needs them and others don't 

This message was authored by RCotswold This message was authored by: RCotswold

Re: Subtitles are far too large and intrusive. Friends and family are furious that subtitles can’t

Has anyone managed to contact the senior management personnel who oversees this issue? It should be easily possible to alter size of subtitles and position ( preferably lower at screen base). 



Moderator note: Removed campaigning.

This message was authored by Mark379 This message was authored by: Mark379

Re: Subtitles are far too large and intrusive. Friends and family are furious that subtitles can’t

I did speak to the complaint dept and they said they will red flag to the technical dept with the feedback!! 

This message was authored by Pete+020 This message was authored by: Pete+020

What have Sky done with subtitles?

In the last couple of days subtitles seem to have been made larger and are positioned higher on the screen impacting on viewing. Is this a bug or  sky's idea of an enhancement? I seriously hope not the latter.

This message was authored by Tetra1 This message was authored by: Tetra1

Re: Subtitles are far too large and intrusive. Friends and family are furious that subtitles can’t

Look at Apple TV. Smaller sizes, less intrusive. Millions use subtitles they're very popular. 

This message was authored by mr.tickle This message was authored by: mr.tickle

Re: What have Sky done with subtitles?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Pete+020 wrote:

In the last couple of days subtitles seem to have been made larger and are positioned higher on the screen impacting on viewing. Is this a bug or  sky's idea of an enhancement? I seriously hope not the latter.

I don't think there has been any kind of software change, my first thought is that something has changed at your end. Ie overscan settings on the TV - in "show the whole picture" mode the subs will be slightly smaller and lower than in "overscan and zoom a bit" mode.


From what I know the software people are acutely aware that people want an improvement in this area. If there was any change at Sky's side of things, it wouldn't be to make things worse. It would be to catch up with what competitors have been offering for many years.


I'm aware that some native streaming apps (eg Amazon Video, Netflix) give control over font style, size, colour, transpareny. But they do not let you control position on the screen, so don't expect that to be offered. The position is a decision made by the subtitler during the creation task, to avoid text appearing on top of people's faces , or other captions etc.  This is why in some scenes you will see the subtitles move up to the top of the screen briefly.



I do not have a sig other than this message. Sky+HD.
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