Discussion topic: Problems with accessing sky sports plus

This message was authored by brian115 This message was authored by: brian115

Problems with accessing sky sports plus

Hi I subscribe to sky sports via my virgin media. I have tried to access this on my iPad but after getting a sky ID I found I couldn't progress any further as I was asked for my sky sports account number or my bank account number. I don't have an account with sky my account is with virgin. I pay extra for sky sports via virgin. I was able to provide my bank account number but not unexpectedly it was not recognised because I don't have an account with sky. My email address is known to sky. I'm not sure why but that's all. I see you can access sky sports plus via now tv but cannot see how via virgin. Am I alone with this problem.Any suggestions welcome 




Best Answers
This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome Answer

Re: Problems with accessing sky sports plus

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


Probably to late now but for me U select Watch at the bottom then football then you can scroll through the live games until you see the match you want to watch.

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