Discussion topic: Worried about accdentally deleting email accounts

This message was authored by roister This message was authored by: roister

Worried about accdentally deleting email accounts

Hi folks. I don't have sky at the moment, since last February, though will go back when bt contract ends. However, still use sky email. When I log into my sky account, I get the message:

'We've found an old inactive account linked to your Sky iD'

It says i need to unlink it. It asks me to remove any authorised secondary users. I am worried that if I do this, I am going to end up deleting our email accounts, which would be a nightmare. Anyone done this already who can offer any reassurance? Cheers...



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This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome

Re: Worried about accdentally deleting email accounts

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@roister wrote:

It says i need to unlink it. It asks me to remove any authorised secondary users. I am worried that if I do this, I am going to end up deleting our email accounts, which would be a nightmare. Anyone done this already who can offer any reassurance? Cheers...

Are you able to ignore ths message to continue to access your email account ?

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Topic Author
This message was authored by roister This message was authored by: roister

Re: Worried about accdentally deleting email accounts

Thanks for that. I think I can ignore it, and probably wouldn't even have noticed it, until I got an email a couple of days ago saying: 'Just to let you know, we've received a request to update the security questions for Sky iD email ', which was sent at 1.06am, when I was fast asleep. It kicked me out of my bluemail account as well.  I subsequently changed password, and latterly secret question, which I thought had sorted it. However, I was kicked out of bluemail again the following morning, so I changed password again, to log back in. That's what led me to checking account, and noticing that message about unlinking account and wondered if there was any connection...

This message was authored by caesarome This message was authored by: caesarome

Re: Worried about accdentally deleting email accounts

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@roister wrote:

I got an email a couple of days ago saying: 'Just to let you know, we've received a request to update the security questions for Sky iD email ', which was sent at 1.06am

Could anyone using your other email account have triggered this ?


Are you sure this was a legit email from Sky so did it address you by your actual name and not something like Dear User or Dear Member ?

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Topic Author
This message was authored by roister This message was authored by: roister

Re: Worried about accdentally deleting email accounts

Yes, it has the same send address as the subsequent one I received when I changed my secret question, the day after. The two emails were identical. Both used my correct name as well. No, nobody but me knows my password/secret question. I would automatically have thought spam, if it wasn't for the fact that it arrived on same day as my access to bluemail was stopped, which was when I changed my password...

I did try to contact sky by phone, explained situation to about 6 different people, the final one said that the initial email must be spam, even though I told him addresses were identical. He also said I only had one sky account, which I find odd, as when I go into sky, I can see the message that I need to unlink from a previous account...🤔 Very confused...

This message was authored by jayach This message was authored by: jayach

Re: Worried about accdentally deleting email accounts

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Yes I get the same message if I log into my Sky account, but I don't know what the effect of unlinking will be because I've just ingnored it. 



However, as I don't use any Sky services, other than the email, I'm not worried about having the link. (whatever that means)

This message was authored by david424 This message was authored by: david424

Re: Worried about accdentally deleting email accounts

If you're worried about accidentally deleting email accounts, here are some preventive steps you can take:

  1. Set Recovery Options: Ensure recovery email and phone number are set up for your accounts.
  2. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Adds an extra layer of security.
  3. Backup Important Emails: Regularly back up important emails.
  4. Manage User Permissions: Carefully assign access permissions if multiple users have access.
  5. Pay Attention to Delete Confirmations: Always double-check before confirming any deletions.

These steps can help reduce the risk of accidental deletions.


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