Discussion topic: routing of fibre cable within the house

This message was authored by Misnomer This message was authored by: Misnomer

routing of fibre cable within the house

Openreach today connected the FF cable to a new grey box on the front wall. From what they said i'm worried about the route the Sky engineer might seek to use to get to the hub, which is currently in the cupboard under the stairs. There are no power points anywhere near for the ONT which I understand will go on the inside of an exernal wall.  If we do that, how is the fibre cable going to be routed to the hub without being unsightly? If there's no satisfactory solution  wil lwish to decline the offer of FFB and stick with my Superfast.

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This message was authored by cookiemonsteruk This message was authored by: cookiemonsteruk Answer

Re: routing of fibre cable within the house

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more



The standard install is the ont can be placed 10 metres from where fibre enters the building and 3 ft from the nearest electric socket but this can be negotiated with openreach when they attend


In terms of the ont to router a cat 5e ethernet cable can easily run 100 metres from ont to router

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