Discussion topic: WiFi-calling stopped working

This message was authored by jimmyjacko55 This message was authored by: jimmyjacko55

WiFi-calling stopped working

Hi, I'm having a problem with WiFi-calling from my iPhone 15 pro (latest update 18.2) using an iDmobile SIM that has WiFi calling enabled, over Sky Fullfibre (white hub).
It all worked perfectly before Christmas, (the mobile phone signal around my home is nearly non existent) but now I can't receive calls over the WiFi or ring out even after getting a replacement SIM for some reason.

I can't ring out to get help from Sky or iDmobile and I'm tied to trying virtual chatbots in the Sky and iD apps, which don't recognise my problem (because it's not in their list of options to answer). I'm going around in circles 😵

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This message was authored by jimmyjacko55 This message was authored by: jimmyjacko55 Answer

Re: WiFi-calling stopped working

Thanks for the reply James, I got that from Google earlier today, so it's true what my Grandad used to say, shake more trees and you get a quicker response 😉

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