Discussion topic: Skymax hub capping ethernet speed to 100mbps

This message was authored by NTRae This message was authored by: NTRae

Skymax hub capping ethernet speed to 100mbps

I've recently switched from Virgin to Sky & using the same wires I've used previously (and tried a couple different wires) - speeds are capped at 100mbps on both my PS5 and my PC.


I've tried changing my network adapter settings on my PC to no avail. Multiple resets of the router and also tried multiple ports. PC showed link speed was 1000/1000mbps with Virgin and only now with sky is it capped at 100/100. 


No idea what to do, certain it's either a fault with the router or this ethernet speed switch that's available in Sky's router settings for their other models but not this one. Been on the phone for nearly 2 hours with nothing to offer but "I'll escalate this and get back to you".


Please help 😂