Discussion topic: Rubbish WiFi from Sky

This message was authored by Nasher This message was authored by: Nasher

Rubbish WiFi from Sky

I can not understand why Sky's WiFi is so rubbish. I have Sky Broadband Super Fast 35 and while all tests show everything is all good, it is not in my opinion. Online streaming and gaming, including Sky's TV streaming package (Sky Ultimate TV) Is very poor and I don't get the coverage I was expecting. I switched to Sky because they were offering fibre optic, faster speeds and more coverage than what my original provider was giving but since switching it has been worse!! I was originally with Origin Broadband and TalkTalk before Origin. Both were none Fibre Optic and only gave me an average of 10 - 11 Mb/s and yet I got faster speeds and more coverage from these providers compared to Sky's so-called 38.0Mb/s "daily average". 


Am I the only one who thinks this?!



All Replies

This message was authored by GD1 This message was authored by: GD1

Re: Rubbish WiFi from Sky

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Nasher   Please can you post your router stats so the forum can advise on any issues. This link explains how to do that https://helpforum.sky.com/t5/Broadband/How-to-find-your-Sky-Broadband-router-stats/td-p/2855717#

Like you I'm a customer here, Sky Employees are clearly identified as such.
43" Glass TV & Puck Whole Home
Please note I only provide help on the main forums and not via PM, PM's are switched off.

Samsung 75" 4K TV, Sky Glass Gen 2 55", Sky Stream, VM 1 Gig Broadband, Sony 7.1 AV Receiver, Technisat MultiSat receiver.
This message was authored by Trevor+A This message was authored by: Trevor+A

Re: Rubbish WiFi from Sky

My Sky wifi is also rubbish. It keeop on dropping out on the main TV box. I recently upgraded to fast fibre and this meant Sky replaced my router and gave me Sky mesh extender boxes. I am sorry i ever upgraded and doiubled my cost as the service is awful.

I have had an engineers out twice but i know more than he does.

I am very close to cancelling as the service is worse than before.

regards T
This message was authored by Adrianweav This message was authored by: Adrianweav

Re: Rubbish WiFi from Sky

I was Talktalk before switching to sky and I can also confirm that it's less than impressive.


Wifi is dropping out around different parts of my small house and speed is not anywhere near as good as Talktalk. I would have left but I'm moving abroad and don't want another contract.


on a side note it took them three set top boxes before that worked aswell.....even the engineer was saying how the new equipment is not good.


i certainly won't be a returning customer. Especially given how expensive it is.


This message was authored by Johno551 This message was authored by: Johno551

Re: Rubbish WiFi from Sky

My reception is terrible, when you check router it always says connected but cannot get  a signal. Makes me feel like they've altered it to say connected when its clearly not, similar to what happened with car emissions.

This message was authored by Don1983 This message was authored by: Don1983

Re: Rubbish WiFi from Sky

I agree, consistently only getting 20mb then it shows there is an issue. Sky send engineer and say it's fixed then it happens again. This has been going on for months and is interfering with my work from home. I've decided to leave Sky as they have been the worst provider in terms of speed that I have ever been with. 

This message was authored by Bowich This message was authored by: Bowich

Re: Rubbish WiFi from Sky

Same for me, router range is awful and the boosters create a problem.  Moving to virgin when contract up 

This message was authored by Mf1910 This message was authored by: Mf1910

Re: Rubbish WiFi from Sky

Sky broadband and its hubs is pure garbage. One thing that might help is get Mesh WiFi which helps to maintain a good WiFi signal and speed. However I still need to restart the. Sky Hub 1/2 a week.  The Mesh WiFi s independent of broadband providers it will work work all isp. Just a one of outlay. 

This message was authored by Graham136 This message was authored by: Graham136

Re: Rubbish WiFi from Sky

Totally same issue. Itbisxworsecthat useless. Talk talk was far better. Now need to dump sky and get back to them. 

This message was authored by Johno551 This message was authored by: Johno551

Re: Rubbish WiFi from Sky

It's gotten worse than it was before, constantly going down, can't even play online because it keeps losing connection. Absolute rubbish can't wait to get contract finished and  go to another provider. 

This message was authored by plumbbob This message was authored by: plumbbob

Re: Rubbish WiFi from Sky

I agree sky is total rubbish 🤬 😞 

This message was authored by plumbbob This message was authored by: plumbbob

Re: Rubbish WiFi from Sky

Yes I have to keep rebooting the hub 😕 😞 

This message was authored by Daneurl This message was authored by: Daneurl

Re: Rubbish WiFi from Sky

I agree, I only just switched from BT to Sky broadband Jan 25, both same 500Mbps speeds. Router in same place as old BT one. I noticed that when watching streaming videos/reels on Facebook it lags, slow to load up certain web pages and other streaming videos. My previous router and wifi I never had these issues. Sky WiFi broadband is definitely worse than old wifi.


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