Discussion topic: Permission to work (Wayleave)

This message was authored by MarieGriff This message was authored by: MarieGriff

Permission to work (Wayleave)

Ordered sky fibre at the end of Jan, everything seemed to go okay, told me I could get 151mbs and the router is coming this Thursday.

Openreach engineer came out and inspected the house, as I already have a box on the wall, he said they would just need to lift a brick up and connect to there.

Then I received a text to say that I would have to fill out  a "permission to work" form.

This is a detached residential house in a residental street, owner occuped and a leaseholder and full access to my house which doesn't go anywhere near anyone elses property.

The wayleave form is for a freehold (usually blocks of flats, or landowners, which we are not.

I've phoned Sky numerous times to try and sort this out, but they said just to fill in the form which I did although it doesn't apply to me.


Now ive just had another text from Openreach to say they haven't had the permission to work form.

Only Sky can sort this out, as I can't contact Openreach directly.

This is a nightmare and has me completely confused.

I really need someone to speak to Openreach directly and sort this out ASAP, or the router is going back, afterall what is the good of a router when I havent got a broadband connection.


Thanks for reading and any help would be appreciated



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This message was authored by MarieGriff This message was authored by: MarieGriff

Re: Permission to work (Wayleave)

Not one person on this forum can help?


Where is your tech team?  and if they can't help then I feel sorry for me, cause I certainly can't sort this out 





This message was authored by mormegil This message was authored by: mormegil

Re: Permission to work (Wayleave)

Ptw and wayleaves are two separate thing it may be that it is a general form used that covers both


ptw is required from openreach if they need permission of the property owner to carry out work. In my case it was to dig a hole in my garden to access a blocked pipe, in your case it's permission to lift the brick and carry out any other work they deem is needed to complete your full fibre install. 


only you can reply to the openreach email and get the order moving forward with openreach as sky would have no visibility over what openreach have request of you

This message was authored by GD1 This message was authored by: GD1

Re: Permission to work (Wayleave)

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@MarieGriff  You need to be aware this is a customer helps customer forum, you're not speaking to Sky nor any Technical support Team.


As customers a majority won't have come across this issue so would be extremely difficult for them to give any advise.

Like you I'm a customer here, Sky Employees are clearly identified as such.
43" Glass TV & Puck Whole Home
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