Discussion topic: PS5 won’t connect to my new FTTP broadband

This message was authored by Bobbieb1 This message was authored by: Bobbieb1

PS5 won’t connect to my new FTTP broadband



so I've just had FTTP 500gb broadband fitted today, and every other device has connected to it with no issues what so ever, until I tried to connect my brother's PS5. I've literally tried everything to get it to connect. I keep getting a failed to connect message every time I try. I've finally had to use a Ethernet cable, however as the router and box have been fitted in a different place to where I actually wanted it, and it's really far from his bedroom and we now have a very long cable hanging down and along the floors everywhere. 


Does anyone know why this is happening and how to fix it please? The man who fitted it, told us that we would have absolutely no problems getting connected all over the house. Obviously that's not true. 

Thank you everyone
