Discussion topic: Fibre installation delayed due to Openreach (BT Wholesale tool results inside)

This message was authored by MondayChips This message was authored by: MondayChips

Fibre installation delayed due to Openreach (BT Wholesale tool results inside)

Placed the order for FTTP last month. Now getting the dreaded "Openreach has informed us that they currently do not have the equipment in place to connect your Broadband and Talk to your phone exchange" support messages from Sky. I need to call up as the Sky engineer installation is meant to be tomorrow to find out how to proceed on that front.


I got the email from Openreach saying that FTTP was available and I saw and I had chatted to the team who were installing to the pole right outside my house in December. The team lead even told me he expected it to be ready by Feb. The main road in my village (just down my road) has had FTTP for at least a year, so it is active in the local area, it was just a new expansion to some other roads in the village.


Can anyone glean some info from the BT Wholesale tool? I searched some other forum posts and the issues they had aren't in my notes for my property. Thanks




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This message was authored by jamesn123 This message was authored by: jamesn123 Answer

Re: Fibre installation delayed due to Openreach (BT Wholesale tool results inside)

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Hi @MondayChips 

The cause is likely the connection location then. It is fustrating to have to wait, especially if you are happy for Openreach to install the entry point in a different place.

If you speak to the engineer on the day they should be fine with changing the entry point a bit as long as it doesnt exceed standard cable length or difficulty. 

I am NOT a Sky Employee
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