Discussion topic: Can't update or install apps on android or YouTube not working properly. Yorkshire area,


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This message was authored by kevinty89 This message was authored by: kevinty89

Re: Can't update or install apps on android or YouTube not working properly. Yorkshire area,

Same problem in Leeds, with Apps and You tube its only started since I signed a contract for new faster Broadband and received a new router, hmm, think problem is sky's.

This message was authored by Fiona1234 This message was authored by: Fiona1234

Re: Can't update or install apps on android or YouTube not working properly. Yorkshire area,


It's an absolute joke, ALL staff should be aware of this by now and yet I received this from customer service after the fact I said in my email that I'd tested the line on sky website and done a Google internet test AND told them about this forum!!!


I have conducted a line test on your connection, and I'm pleased to inform you that no faults were found. Your current download speed is 151.87 Mb/s, and your upload speed is 29.40 Mb/s, which is above the guaranteed speed of 100.00 Mb/s.


We're paying alot for what exactly? 


I'm switching providers and I wouldn't be surprised if others do too. Left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing at sky 




This message was authored by DRB111 This message was authored by: DRB111

Re: Can't update or install apps on android or YouTube not working properly. Yorkshire area,

Will there be compensation for the inconvenience of all these wasted calls to call centres and financial impact of using mobile data to maintain a basic service that we already pay for?

This message was authored by Dawn-Tracey This message was authored by: Dawn-Tracey

Re: Can't update or install apps on android or YouTube not working properly. Yorkshire area,

I had engineer booked for today even tho we know it was pointless they cancelled mid morningand tried to re arrange i spoke to a lovely lady who put my complaint in cancelled the bext engineer appointment and has just messaged me to say they been informed support teams have been made aware and are investigating ut says what and where it affects too !!! Id like to hope it was already being investigated been not working too long now paying out for a service thats not working is a joke.

This message was authored by Fraggs This message was authored by: Fraggs

Re: Can't update or install apps on android or YouTube not working properly. Yorkshire area,

I wouldnt hold my or your breath for any compensation, Sky will probably say it is Openreach or someone / thing else thats at fault and not them .

Not a lawyer but guessing compensation wont happen even though I intend to ask as I am not receiving the full service I am paying for

This message was authored by Moose25 This message was authored by: Moose25

Re: Can't update or install apps on android or YouTube not working properly. Yorkshire area,

I too am having this same issue. I got through to an adviser yesterday and she checked I had reset the router to clear the channel and had tried everything else it stated online. She eventually sent me a new router as she said it may be an issue with the WiFi signal sent out. Internet is fine all showing OK but can't download any app or view YouTube without it buffering.

This message was authored by Awoo This message was authored by: Awoo

Re: Can't update or install apps on android or YouTube not working properly. Yorkshire area,

Had a call from sky today. Reply to my complaint. Got put through to the technical team who apparently did something on my router. I've now reset it and it's made absolutely no difference.

This message was authored by Moose25 This message was authored by: Moose25

Re: Can't update or install apps on android or YouTube not working properly. Yorkshire area,

I'm also in the West Yorkshire area if this helps

This message was authored by TimmyBGood This message was authored by: TimmyBGood

Re: Can't update or install apps on android or YouTube not working properly. Yorkshire area,

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Given this appears to be a regional issue and only affects Google services, hardware resets, router replacement and 'engineer' visits aren't going to have any effect: it's presumably something Sky and Google need to resolve at a network level appropriate to the affected area.

* * * * * * *

Sky Glass 55" (on ethernet) & two Stream Pucks (one ethernet / one WiFi)
BT Halo 3+ Ultrafast FTTP (500Mbs), BT Smart Hub 2
This message was authored by PaulSy This message was authored by: PaulSy

Re: Can't update or install apps on android or YouTube not working properly. Yorkshire area,

Yet the call centre staff are still unaware and unhelpful. Maybe a reference number that we could share and quote (a fault ID would help here???).  

This message was authored by Redundantman This message was authored by: Redundantman

Re: Can't update or install apps on android or YouTube not working properly. Yorkshire area,

Same problem here in Farsley Leeds. My son lives 3 doors away and we both have exact same problem. I am on Sky full fibre 150 and he is on Sky superfamily.. 

This message was authored by Redundantman This message was authored by: Redundantman

Re: Can't update or install apps on android or YouTube not working properly. Yorkshire area,

Previous thread should be Sky superfast.

This message was authored by TheJools This message was authored by: TheJools

Re: Can't update or install apps on android or YouTube not working properly. Yorkshire area,

This message was authored by Nevershaydie This message was authored by: Nevershaydie

Re: Can't update or install apps on android or YouTube not working properly. Yorkshire area,

Just liked and shared that.


I've also put in on Facebook.  Had a couple of people saying they can't use YouTube on iPhone (very prolonged buffering, same issues we're all having).  So I wonder if it affects any Google-apps regardless of phone platform.

This message was authored by Nevershaydie This message was authored by: Nevershaydie

Re: Can't update or install apps on android or YouTube not working properly. Yorkshire area,

Oh and another now saying they're having problems with YouTube on Kindle.


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