Discussion topic: SkyQ and Sonos interfering with each other


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Topic Author
This message was authored by woodchal This message was authored by: woodchal

Re: SkyQ and Sonos interfering with each other

@Piesarus ”ditch Sonos net you don't need it.”


Have tried that - doesn’t work to solve the problem we have.


It still remains that if the Sonos devices and/or the app controller are on different access points (and therefore different BSSID) it falls apart.  The only solution is to get them all attached to the same access problem.


Whether it’s a Sky problem in not transmitting Sonos’ broadcasts or a Sonos problem with not recognising BSSID I don’t know or particularly care! - I just want them to sort it out!  Otherwise I would not recommend Sky or Sonos, as they’re both flakey 

This message was authored by Piesarus This message was authored by: Piesarus

Re: SkyQ and Sonos interfering with each other

@woodchal wrote:

@Piesarus ”ditch Sonos net you don't need it.”


Have tried that - doesn’t work to solve the problem we have.


It still remains that if the Sonos devices and/or the app controller are on different access points (and therefore different BSSID) it falls apart.  The only solution is to get them all attached to the same access problem.


Whether it’s a Sky problem in not transmitting Sonos’ broadcasts or a Sonos problem with not recognising BSSID I don’t know or particularly care! - I just want them to sort it out!  Otherwise I would not recommend Sky or Sonos, as they’re both flakey 

I really don't recognise any of the issues you complain of. I originally used Sonos with the Sonos Bridge - faultless solution. I then moved everything to my home WiFi - faultless solution, finally my Sonos now runs on my Mesh WiFi - again faultless solution. Just like Apple everything Sonos "just works", there's no interference from SkyQ or the planet Pluto. I suggest you need to look a bit nearer home, possibly your home network.

Topic Author
This message was authored by woodchal This message was authored by: woodchal

Re: SkyQ and Sonos interfering with each other



I really don't recognise any of the issues you complain of. I originally used Sonos with the Sonos Bridge - faultless solution. I then moved everything to my home WiFi - faultless solution, finally my Sonos now runs on my Mesh WiFi - again faultless solution. Just like Apple everything Sonos "just works", there's no interference from SkyQ or the planet Pluto. I suggest you need to look a bit nearer home, possibly your home network.


Sonos do have plenty of issues on other forums, so if you’re okay then you have nothing to add then good for you and, I don’t how to say this nicely, but if you got nothing to say to help, stop posting on this topic.


My experience with Sonos was also good until I got SkyQ.

This message was authored by Piesarus This message was authored by: Piesarus

Re: SkyQ and Sonos interfering with each other

@woodchal I am active on Sonos forum and I still maintain this has little to do with Q so you need to look nearer home. A good workman never blames his tools. Oh BTW it's not up to you to tell people to stop posting simply because you don't like the message. 

This message was authored by Lawrence+cope This message was authored by: Lawrence+cope

Re: SkyQ and Sonos interfering with each other


I hope you remember that answer when people post about no reminders on Q😆.


This message was authored by Piesarus This message was authored by: Piesarus

Re: SkyQ and Sonos interfering with each other

@Lawrence+cope wrote:


I hope you remember that answer when people post about no reminders on Q😆.


Somewhat different scenario where new members can't be bothered to do a rudimentary search but instead start thread after thread on the same subject. 

This message was authored by dingers05 This message was authored by: dingers05

Re: SkyQ and Sonos interfering with each other

Sky Q and Sonos on the same network are an absolute disaster. I've tried Sky Q and Sky Q Mini boxes on Ethernet with Sonos on WiFi; Sky Q and Sky Q Mini boxes on WiFi with Sonos on Ethernet, everything on WiFi and everything on Ethernet. Every time I encountered Sonos streaming dropouts. But I've now solved the problem. I connect Sonos to a different WiFi network running on Raspberry Pi using the free RaspAP software (https://raspap.com/) The Raspberry Pi is connected directly to the Sky Hub via Ethernet. Since implementing this set up I've had no dropouts.

This message was authored by Tjech This message was authored by: Tjech

Re: SkyQ and Sonos interfering with each other

Since this was the first thread I found on Google about the topic, I thought I'd share thoughts here. 

The problem is the Sky Q box transmits a different network ID to the main router. So you end up with the Sonos connecting to one and your phone connecting to another. 

The first way we fixed this was by turning the Sky Q box off, and then by removing the network cable. (Our box is so bad it can't connect to the WiFi in adjacent rooms, another story). 

Had an engineer round this week, who explained how the Sky Q box networking worked and suggested how to turn off the Sky Q WiFi in the engineers settings. 

We initially thought it was just 5gHz causing issues but it's actually both (per above). So if you disable both 2.4 and 5gHz in this menu everything works fine. 

Caveat - once you know this, you'll need to reset and add each Sonos device to your system again. PITA but it works. 

Hope this helps someone 😎


This message was authored by Piesarus This message was authored by: Piesarus

Re: SkyQ and Sonos interfering with each other

@Tjech  Are you using Sonos.net or just your home WiFi?

This message was authored by Tjech This message was authored by: Tjech

Re: SkyQ and Sonos interfering with each other

No, all standard Wifi.

This message was authored by Piesarus This message was authored by: Piesarus

Re: SkyQ and Sonos interfering with each other

@Tjech hmm! most odd then. I have never encountered any conflicts between my Sonos stuff and SkyQ. It probably helps that I am using mesh WiFi though. 

Topic Author
This message was authored by woodchal This message was authored by: woodchal

Re: SkyQ and Sonos interfering with each other

@Tjech Actually by design all access points will have the same network identifier SSID.  Access points will have a BSSID.  It is the the difference in BBSID that causes the problem between SONOS and SkyQ.  It is quite interesting to google these terms.


@Piesarus Hmmmmmmm indeed.


@dingers05 good idea;

I can see how that works as a work around, but we all need SONOS/Sky to do a proper fix!

This message was authored by Rhonny This message was authored by: Rhonny

Re: SkyQ and Sonos interfering with each other

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


I have never encountered any conflicts between my Sonos stuff and SkyQ.


Me neither fortunately. 


It probably helps that I am using mesh WiFi though.


And I'm using SonosNet, with the requisite one speaker on ethernet. So who's to say what really helps. 


SonosNet can't conflict with the Sky mesh anyway as it's 2.4ghz vs 5ghz.

Topic Author
This message was authored by woodchal This message was authored by: woodchal

Re: SkyQ and Sonos interfering with each other



Thanks for engaging in a constructive way.  


Working with Sonos we identified that the controller app does not connect to Sonos devices when those devices are connected to a different access point than the controller app.  This is identified via differing BSSID.


I would be interested to know if your mesh has different BSSID for each access point (I think it should, as the BSSID is linked to a physical entity  - SSID is a user definable name)


If the different access points in your mesh have different BBSID, then I think that would lead to the conclusion it is not the mesh approach in general, but rather Sky’s implementation.  I did read that Sonos doesn’t work on sub-nets.


My position remains that these two consumer organisations should put effort into resolving the issue - failure to do so, just amplifies the appearance that they don’t care about us consumers

This message was authored by Rhonny This message was authored by: Rhonny

Re: SkyQ and Sonos interfering with each other

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


I will clarify my home setup. It is:

- main router plus two powerline wifi access points, all on different floors.

- Sky Q hardwired to the router, and each Sky Q mini hardwired to non-AP powerlines (ie powerlines that don't repeat the wifi - their sole purpose is to provide ethernet to the Sky Q minis). 2.4ghz and 5ghz wifi off on all Sky boxes - so there is no Sky mesh in my house. 

- Ten Sonos speakers - one hardwired to the router, the remaining speakers on SonosNet (the 2.4ghz mesh generated between the speakers when one is hardwired).


Each powerline wifi access point is a clone of the router, and so transmits the same SSID as the router, with identical security settings and password as the router. I have also assigned the powerline network a name which each powerline shows in its settings.


Each access point has its own MAC address of course as each is an individual piece of hardware, and as a result I can always see which access point I am connected to, using WiFi Analyzer, even though I'm connected to the same network no matter what the access point. 


As I walk around the house, I connect to different access points. At all times, I am able to see all speakers in the Sonos app, and can control any speaker. I would imagine this is simply because each access point is identical to the main router, and all access points lead back to the main router, as does every speaker talk to the router via SonosNet and then via the hardwired Sonos speaker.


Whereas many have Sonos on wifi and their Sky boxes connected wirelessly, I have my Sonos on Sonosnet, and have the Sky boxes hardwired (with their wifi off), and it all works brilliantly. Not sure how this all fits with what you're saying, but I hope elements of it help. Or at least help others with Sonos to get things working....


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