Discussion topic: Mine is going back


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This message was authored by Tommo621 This message was authored by: Tommo621

Re: Mine is going back

Agree... ours is going back too.

This message was authored by Satele This message was authored by: Satele

Re: Mine is going back

Absolutely none of these issues on my set. Very strange to dismiss a product without trying to troubleshoot or giving Sky a chance to correct. Each to their own though.



This message was authored by Anonymous This message was authored by: Anonymous

Re: Mine is going back

Troubleshoot a brand new product that was marketed as plug and play, less hassle, less wires...some people can't even turn theirs on.  My choice was pay 1000 and something for the 65" glass or pay £2000 for a 65" OLED + Atmos sound bar....I'm taking the £2000 option because of all the issues with Glass. Rather would not give Sky money for an inferior product. 

This message was authored by Satele This message was authored by: Satele

Re: Mine is going back

Makes perfect sense to compare Glass to another product double the price - not. 


Do what works for you. Personally, I don't see any issues that are native to the produce and not user error or faulty hardware. There's solutions to both those things.

This message was authored by loontor This message was authored by: loontor

Re: Mine is going back

Had a positive experience on set up and the pic from the Pucks seem to be better than the sky mini boxes which is a plus. 
The real downside is the Sky Glass 65 inch itself the picture is awful really dark and washed out and nothing I have changes seems to make it better. Will check forums and see if anyone has a good settings list otherwise sending the thing back. 

This message was authored by Wakey1 This message was authored by: Wakey1

Re: Mine is going back

@Satele wrote:

Absolutely none of these issues on my set. Very strange to dismiss a product without trying to troubleshoot or giving Sky a chance to correct. Each to their own though.



You only have 15 days to cancel the agreement so you don't really have time to hope they get it right even if you would be happy to give them the chance to

This message was authored by Anonymous This message was authored by: Anonymous

Re: Mine is going back

You have 31 days to change your mind but if the product remains faulty after that you can send it back whenever you like.

This message was authored by SimonW This message was authored by: SimonW

Re: Mine is going back

@Anonymous wrote:

You have 31 days to change your mind but if the product remains faulty after that you can send it back whenever you like.

Not according to the financing agreement, which suggests you are locked into paying for the TV after 14 days. And even if it was 31 days that's still not much time to fix some major issues. 

This message was authored by CliffyCliff This message was authored by: CliffyCliff

Re: Mine is going back

I do not have Glass myself but do you have many other devices connected on Wifi on your home? Also is your router WiFi 6? With WiFi 6 the router can send data to multiple devices at the same time but on early versions of WiFi the data stream is sent one after another, sequentially. If you have multiple devies connected via Wifi with no Wifi 6 router this could potentially cause an issue

This message was authored by LGUser This message was authored by: LGUser

Re: Mine is going back

@loontor wrote:

Had a positive experience on set up and the pic from the Pucks seem to be better than the sky mini boxes which is a plus. 
The real downside is the Sky Glass 65 inch itself the picture is awful really dark and washed out and nothing I have changes seems to make it better. Will check forums and see if anyone has a good settings list otherwise sending the thing back. 

Did you turn off whatever this auto setting is that Sky is touting?


This message was authored by loontor This message was authored by: loontor

Re: Mine is going back

I turned off the the Autondim and the auto backlight options. 

This message was authored by loontor This message was authored by: loontor

Re: Mine is going back

I am using Skys own router and getting around 58MBs but do have a lot of devices connected. Know idea if the router is Wi-Fi 6

This message was authored by TardisBlue This message was authored by: TardisBlue

Re: Mine is going back

For balance, haven't had a single issue with mine. Working like a dream so far.


Only flaw has been Playlist, but its not how I would watch TV anyway so willing to look past it until they inevitably tweak it in the future.


My connection is only 27MB and had no issues streaming so far or losing connection. Admittedly though I don't subscribe to the Sports package which would drain the bandwidth I suspect.

This message was authored by Annie+UK This message was authored by: Annie+UK

Re: Mine is going back

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@loontor wrote:

I am using Skys own router and getting around 58MBs but do have a lot of devices connected. Know idea if the router is Wi-Fi 6

I don't think Sky have a Wifi6 router yet

I am Neurodivergent Sky+HD  LG NanoCell TV  Xbox SeriesX
My F•A•Qs: Sky GlassSky StreamSky GoSky Plus
This message was authored by CliffyCliff This message was authored by: CliffyCliff

Re: Mine is going back

I suspect teh issue of stuttering is coming from the lack of WiFI 6 on your router and network congestion with in you home. Try turning off all your other WiFi devices just as an experiment or if technical enough just give the Sky Glass teh 5Ghz band and move all other devices to teh 2.4Ghz band, I reckon all of these will fix the problem.. Unfortunately done of this will fix the poor HDR or YHD quality of the device as Sky Glass just does not produce enough Nits to solve this problem and is a major flaw in teh product.


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