Discussion topic: Updated bill, double charges?

This message was authored by JPS12345 This message was authored by: JPS12345

Updated bill, double charges?



I've recently re contracted with Sky and my latest/'first' charge appears to include some duplication of charges.

i know there are pro-rata charges in there and that makes perfect sense however in addition to the pro-rata charges there looks to be another full month added too.

for example- in November I paid the full amount, upgraded/renewed on the 28/11. My December payment just made has 6 days of, 30 days of and then another line with no duration all for the same item line.

So, the first part took me to the new contract date, the second was the coming month but the 3rd....no clue at all.

As an autistic adult I struggle with phone calls and chat functionality is limited due to it being automated. Is there any way to contact a human at Sky to converse either via email or chat to clarify if this is a mistake on their part or my understanding?

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This message was authored by PandJ2020 This message was authored by: PandJ2020 Answer

Re: Updated bill, double charges?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@JPS12345 wrote:

there looks to be another full month added too.


Billing is monthly in-advance - does that explain it?

I am just another Sky customer and my views are my own even if you don't like the answers

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