Discussion topic: Sky price increase

This message was authored by phil19651 This message was authored by: phil19651

Sky price increase

Hi, I signed up to sky last year, and its better than virgin with the deal I got with sky. I was a virgin customer for over 30 years.

Anyway there is going to be a price increase of 6%, which is based on the original price I should be paying, and not what I I am paying now, with all the discounts. So I want to know, can I cancel my contract, giving sky 1 months notice? I have tv/broadband. The total is 6.50 a month increase, and that is a lot of money. I m signed in for july 2026.


Thank you Phil

Best Answers
This message was authored by MightyQuinn This message was authored by: MightyQuinn Answer

Re: Sky price increase

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Hi @phil19651   Simple answer is no. Sky are normally very careful not to break the 10% list increase which would trigger to right to cancel.

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