Discussion topic: Power Outrage compensation missing

This message was authored by Catttttt This message was authored by: Catttttt

Power Outrage compensation missing

A while ago we had an internet outage for almost two weeks. We called to register it as broken (which they already knew), and then said that we wanted to recieve a message when it came back on. We never recieved the message (but that is not important).


We should have recieved compensation via Sky. It should be in the account but I never recieved any indication from them about it.


I logged in and I cannot find anything in my account.


I asked the virtual assistant and nothing. Where is this compensation supposed to be? How do they inform me about it? Where is the outage registered?


Thank you for your time.

Best Answers
This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39 Answer

Re: Power Outrage compensation missing

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Where it's due, the compensation is paid as a credit to your Sky account, within 31 days of the fault being fixed,. 

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