Discussion topic: I received a call from sky

This message was authored by aam This message was authored by: aam

Re: I received a call from sky

regarding this number, Sky states that it's genuine and can be trusted, but I gave false info on the security check and the Indian woman accepted it as correct. needles to say I hung up.


Moderator note: Removed unneeded spacing 

This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: I received a call from sky

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

The number is genuine, but any number can be spoofed by a scammer, so it's always wise to be cautious and ask how the caller can verify their identity to you.

This message was authored by alienmitch2529 This message was authored by: alienmitch2529

Re: I received a call from sky

After my original post I have now recieved 13 calls from the same number! I called sky using the number on my sky app (same as number that's been calling)  Yet I was right not one of the calls had been from Sky Protect. If your unsure put the phone down & you can find the sky number on your bill or just use the Sky App. Better safe than sorry !!! 

This message was authored by Gunners75 This message was authored by: Gunners75

Re: I received a call from sky

Just received a call from this number stating he could save me money on my Sky package for loyal customers.


I asked for the number i could call him back on as i was about to step into a meeting and funnily enough he hung up.


Defo a scam call - so ignore anyone else on here stating it's a bona fide Sky number as it's obviously not.


Was also Indian.



This message was authored by StIvesSky This message was authored by: StIvesSky

Re: I received a call from sky

I have also just received a call from this number.  Some guy was saying he was from Sky telling me that he wanted to try to get me a better Sky deal.  I only renewed my contract with Sky last week so why are they calling me now.  I actually thought it was a spoof so I hung up.

This message was authored by SAF64 This message was authored by: SAF64

Re: I received a call from sky

Received call today saying they could reduce bills but then started asking for passwords etc. so I hung up ...

This message was authored by KazLC This message was authored by: KazLC

Re: I received a call from sky

Sky clearly need to train their staff better. For 2nd time this week I have had calls from this new Sky number  - they either don't speak when you answer or speak briefly before hanging up !

This message was authored by Chris+the+dd This message was authored by: Chris+the+dd

Re: I received a call from sky

I received a call from this number and it seemed a legitimate call from sky, and he wanted to offer me a discount ,but the caller asked me to complete some security questions, My name, my address, my post code. He then wanted further security questions to complete his security list so I argued he had enough of my info and he should tell me what he is offering as he made the call to me and not visa versa. He said he couldn't complete the security without further info and he wanted my mothers maiden name which I reluctantly gave him,which he asked me to spell. When I spelt it he said the spelling was incorrect on his screen, I explained I know how to spell my mothers maiden name and again  he had enough security to know that I am who he called. He said he needed my password to complete security which I refused to give him, after a minute or two of arguing I insisted he wasn't getting my password so the call was ended...

am I being paranoid or is that a bit over the top regarding needing to answer questions to a caller that could be any one. Sky need to make these calls simpler by giving you an ID code that can can be relayed to a sky caller.

This message was authored by Daniel0210 This message was authored by: Daniel0210

Re: I received a call from sky

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


Some on here suggest giving an incorrect telephone password deliberately. If it's genuinely Sky calling they should tell you it's incorrect. 

▪️I AM NOT A SKY EMPLOYEE (undercover or otherwise) ▪️
Sky customer since 2001
with: Sky Q | Sky Superfast Broadband | Sky Talk | Sky Mobile
NOTE: I only provide help on the forums and NOT via PM
This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: I received a call from sky

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Chris+the+dd wrote:

Sky need to make these calls simpler by giving you an ID code that can can be relayed to a sky caller.

Wouldn't that be the telephone password already in use?


My limited understanding is that the adviser is simply unable to move on unless the full identification verification procedures are completed successfully. There's no judgement call the adviser can make.

This message was authored by Soos This message was authored by: Soos

Re: I received a call from Sky

Call received on my mobile from an recognised 0800 number today at 5.05pm.  As I've had a couple of scam calls lately thought I'd answer it as I was in the mood to take them on!  


Caller said his name was ???? (couldn't understand him as he had a VERY strong Indian accent).  He asked me if I was Mrs XXXXX and I said "who are you?" - he again asked if I was Mrs XXXXX and said he was calling from Sky ??????????? Department (couldn't understand what he said).   He asked me to confirm if I was the Sky account holder and I said that I was.  He then rambled on, somewhat illegibly but the gist of which I made out to be that he was calling to see if he could save me money on my Sky bill.


I said "but I rang Sky about 6 weeks or so ago asking the very same thing and I got my bill reduced by £3/month  so what are you offering now that you couldn't then as that was a joke?  He mumbled something else and then said he would pass my details on to something or other department (again couldn't understand him) and they would contact me as they may have other offers for me (I think that's what he said) and then he put the phone down! - all very strange.

This message was authored by Billericayman This message was authored by: Billericayman

Re: I received a call from sky

Just had a call from this number for the second time in a week. I never give any security info to anyone who rings me up out of the blue as I have no way of knowing who they are. As someone who is tech savvy I can spoof numbers  (not that I would), so why would I trust a number that comes up on a screen.

Simple solution I have now blocked the number so I will never hear from them again. Sorted!

This message was authored by graham-wheaton This message was authored by: graham-wheaton

Re: I received a call from sky

Got a cal from this 0800 numbeer just now. Caller said he was from Sky and wanted to save me money on my packaged. Asked me to go though verification - name, address' postcode and password. I challenged him on whether he was genuine or not. Turns out he was.

The 'discount' on offer was a 24 month package with a price increase of £5 that provided a Sky mini box and Sky Go Extra, which we would never use.

So overall, a corporate approved scam.

This message was authored by CaptainCockers This message was authored by: CaptainCockers

Re: I received a call from sky

I had the same call and while arranging another day to discuss, she hung up on me. Very rude. If this is truely a legit sky number they are not very polite or professional

This message was authored by Ste8 This message was authored by: Ste8

Re: I received a call from sky

I too received a call from the same telephone number. Almost unintelligable Indian accent when spoken quickly. I could pick out the words "Sky" and "deal". I asked how I could verify that he was from Sky, to which he said I could google the number, and he could give me details of the package I had. My computer was switched on and I could have looked up on google but didn't really want to or have the opportunity to before he uncerimoniously hung up- without so much as a polite thankyou or goodbye. I had pointed out that if on google then anyone could know what the telephone number was. The conversation did not go so far as him talking about the package I had. By engaging with him at all I will have intimated that I was a Sky customer- which was enough for me in not knowing for sure that he was a Sky operative with Sky deals to offer. I cannot say one way or the other whether the call was genuine and played it safe just in case not. Adequate verification of a telephone call isn't easy!


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