Discussion topic: I received a call from sky

This message was authored by Rob571 This message was authored by: Rob571

I received a call from sky

I received a call from Sky, 0800 761 3372, advising that I could receive assistance regarding lowering monthly bills. I said OK yes. The caller did not reply. I said it that it? The caller hung up.

I don't understand why Sky made this call, but assume it is to try to increase monthly bills, rather than decrease? 

If it was a genuine call to assist financially then please feel free to reduce my monthly bills.

Thank you.

Best Answers
This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39 Answer

Re: I received a call from sky

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

That's a legitimate number from Sky's outbound marketing team. They may call you back.



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