Discussion topic: Direct debit failed credit report

This message was authored by Bakuee This message was authored by: Bakuee

Direct debit failed credit report

My direct debit failed for my sky mobile and i know that they will attempt to take it again in 10 days however i just wanted to know whether it would show up as a late payment on my credit file? Or does it only show up if it fails again after the 10 days?

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This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39 Answer

Re: Direct debit failed credit report

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Previous posts indicate that it's posted as 'late' when payment on the due date fails (regardless of whether or not it's paid on the second attempt.That would be correct, as clearly the payment is late if it's not paid on the date it should be.

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This message was authored by Daniel0210 This message was authored by: Daniel0210

Re: Direct debit failed credit report

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


I'm not sure to be honest. The Experian website advises that some companies take late payments into account when calculating your credit score. This is because overdue payments can suggest you’re struggling to manage your finances. 

Your other two threads have been removed. 

Sky customer since 2001
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This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39 Answer

Re: Direct debit failed credit report

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Previous posts indicate that it's posted as 'late' when payment on the due date fails (regardless of whether or not it's paid on the second attempt.That would be correct, as clearly the payment is late if it's not paid on the date it should be.

Topic Author
This message was authored by Bakuee This message was authored by: Bakuee

Re: Direct debit failed credit report

I was only curious cause this exact situation has happened once before with a family friend and it wasn't shown as a missed/late payment so wasn't sure if it had changed since then 

thanks though 


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