Discussion topic: Loss of subtitles on itv


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This message was authored by Annie+UK This message was authored by: Annie+UK

Re: Loss of subtitles on itv

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@jennywren48 wrote:

I have lost subtitles from ITV for 4 days now.  I have it on all other channels.

I have a  hearing problem and need subtitles.    I've tried switching everything off and back on ( I have Sky glass ) but it won't reinstate the subtitles. Sky said to contact Itv

So what did ITV say?

I am Neurodivergent Sky+HD  LG NanoCell TV  Xbox
My F•A•Qs: Sky GlassSky StreamSky GoSky Plus
This message was authored by Nplp This message was authored by: Nplp

Re: Loss of subtitles on itv

Deathly silence so far - with hearing issues our communication options take longer to get a response than a hearing person gets. Which is why issues like this that would not have occurred with basic product/ service planning is so frustrating and drives us to despair.

This message was authored by KevNewMedia This message was authored by: KevNewMedia

Re: Loss of subtitles on itv

Posted by a Sky employee

Hello Everyone


Thank you so much for your patience whilst we worked through this technical problem.


Our support teams have confirmed that they believe the problem to be now be resolved.  


Can I ask you to check and make sure it's showing for everyone now? If it's not, you may need to switch the device off at the plug and back on again.

Community Manager
This message was authored by Nplp This message was authored by: Nplp

Re: Loss of subtitles on itv

Many thanks - away from base at the mo so will check later and confirm one way or the other so as to give an indication if it's working amongst those having the problem.

This message was authored by Nplp This message was authored by: Nplp

Re: Loss of subtitles on itv

Subtitles back - thank you.

This message was authored by ZyloKai This message was authored by: ZyloKai

Re: Loss of subtitles on itv

@Nplp wrote:

Another evening of discrimination and inaccessibility. Adding this to the lack of Bluetooth connection to hearing aids and cochlear implants that I uncovered when first purchasing Sky Glass adds insult to injury. The usefulness of Sky Glass to someone with hearing issues is appalling- clearly we are so small in number and our purchasing power negligible we are not worth consideration by Sky in their development of new products.

i bitterly regret purchasing Glass and am looking forward to the day I am out of contract and can take the Glass to the dump and buy a tv and switch to Virgin.

It's not "discrimination and inaccessibility". It's the same when Channel 4 had a fire at the Bee Media Studios. Their subtitles were off for months. There was an Ofcom investigation. Clearly this was not a preventable error. If ITV, or any broadcaster said "We're not going to be using subtitles anymore", that would be different, but they didn't. It's an error. Errors happen. 

"Adding this to the lack of Bluetooth connection to hearing aids and cochlear implants that I uncovered when first purchasing Sky Glass adds insult to injury"
I'm not saying the lack of Bluetooth options is right or wrong. But you had every option to ask questions to a Sky agent before you got Sky Glass. Not only that, but you could've requested a refund before the 14-day cooling off period with no penalty if you were so deeply dissatisfied. You can also ask Sky at viewerR@sky.com about Bluetooth connectivity issues. Maybe they'll update Sky Glass in the future.

No provider in the UK or Ireland natively supports Bluetooh connection to hearing aids of cochlear implants, though some allow the likes of Bluetooth headphones, etc.

Sky services I use:
  • Sky Q in Ireland:
  • ︎Sky Signature, Sky Cinema, Sky HD, Paramount+, Discovery+ (Standard)
  • Sky Ultrafast Max (Fibre Internet)
  • Sky Talk (VoIP)
  • Sky Mobile
  • Disney+
  • Spotify (Premium)

Please treat everyone with respect. 🙂
This message was authored by KevNewMedia This message was authored by: KevNewMedia Answer

Re: Loss of subtitles on itv

Posted by a Sky employee

Thanks everyone for commenting and making us aware of the problem.


I'm going to close this thread, now that the fault has been resolved.

Community Manager

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