Discussion topic: Closure of Eurosport channels 28/02/25

This message was authored by MrKieranb This message was authored by: MrKieranb

Re: Closure of Eurosport channels 28/02/25

@MarkGoldsmith like I said to you mark I ain't replying back and fourth if you can't let me have my view move on don't have to explain absolutely anything to you 👍 if you have to question me why I say Comcast have a say then I just can't be bothered explaining to you 🤣 good day 

This message was authored by Hunter2660 This message was authored by: Hunter2660

Re: Closure of Eurosport channels 28/02/25

@MarkGoldsmith wrote:

@MrKieranb wrote:

@MarkGoldsmith Sorry but I'll agree and disagree with you mate 👍 Comcast do have a say in what WBD do not getting into a disagreement as can't be bothered... But end of day people pay for different stuff and again entitled to a view regards 

@MrKieranb perhaps i'm missing something but out of interrest how do the likes of Comcast and other TV providers like EE and Virgin Media have a say in what WDB decide to do with their channels and the portfolio of sports rights they hold?

Indeed it was always WBD's intention to merge Eurosport into it's new sports channel, (known now as TNT Sport), once it aquired BT Sport, so not surprising to those of us that subscribed to BT Sport at the time. Comcast wouldn't have any say in this decision.

Topic Author
This message was authored by Daniel0210 This message was authored by: Daniel0210

Re: Closure of Eurosport channels 28/02/25

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


No doubt Comcast/Sky were privy to what WBD were planning but the fact is that the ultimate decision was solely down to Warner Brothers. 

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This message was authored by Annie+UK This message was authored by: Annie+UK

Re: Closure of Eurosport channels 28/02/25

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@MrKieranb wrote:

@MarkGoldsmith like I said to you mark I ain't replying back and fourth if you can't let me have my view move on don't have to explain absolutely anything to you 👍 if you have to question me why I say Comcast have a say then I just can't be bothered explaining to you 🤣 good day 

Typical reply when someone cannot defend their view 🙄

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This message was authored by MrKieranb This message was authored by: MrKieranb

Re: Closure of Eurosport channels 28/02/25

@Daniel0210 Thanks for Ur view but again I disagree everything is based of money agreements Comcast is a big company sure they can work with WBD and if someone isn't happy doesn't mean I ain't entitled to my view? Unfortunately never gonna agree nowadays 😕

This message was authored by MrKieranb This message was authored by: MrKieranb

Re: Closure of Eurosport channels 28/02/25

@Annie+UK can't defend my view now you are just trolling remember people are entitled to views just because you disagree and claim I can't defend myself that's out of order Annie! Good day 

Topic Author
This message was authored by Daniel0210 This message was authored by: Daniel0210

Re: Closure of Eurosport channels 28/02/25

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


You are entitled to your view as it's a public forum, just like we are. At the end of the day Sky only have a say in channels they own. 

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This message was authored by MrKieranb This message was authored by: MrKieranb

Re: Closure of Eurosport channels 28/02/25

@Daniel0210 Agreed yes it's a public forum but end of the day I agree and disagree M8 not hating on anyone but I pay for a service and I ain't happy with what's available hence my view good day 🙂

This message was authored by Hunter2660 This message was authored by: Hunter2660

Re: Closure of Eurosport channels 28/02/25

@MrKieranb wrote:

@Daniel0210 Agreed yes it's a public forum but end of the day I agree and disagree M8 not hating on anyone but I pay for a service and I ain't happy with what's available hence my view good day 🙂

In the meantime, and I'm serious here, Eurosport Germany is still in the clear at 19.2 E. So if you have a dish repoint it in that direction, you may need a new receiver, but they are as cheap as chips. Probably haven't got an English sound track though. But it's a viable option.

This message was authored by MrKieranb This message was authored by: MrKieranb

Re: Closure of Eurosport channels 28/02/25

@Hunter2660 Why wouldn't Comcast have a say? 🙄 It's a agreement based of money why wouldn't WBD want to work with Sky/Comcast to keep Eurosport on platform entitled to Ur view M8 but again I disagree do some research into Comcast and WBD on how they work together 

This message was authored by MrKieranb This message was authored by: MrKieranb

Re: Closure of Eurosport channels 28/02/25

@Hunter2660 Good shout don't think I'm moaning just about Eurosport tho just finding I'm only watching sports and with stuff moving to TNT it makes more sense to get Now tv and pay as I go nowadays 

This message was authored by coltec1956 This message was authored by: coltec1956

Re: Closure of Eurosport channels 28/02/25

Vote with your wallet and don't subscribe. Watch the highlights at another time. The end of live sport .

This message was authored by TimmyBGood This message was authored by: TimmyBGood

Re: Closure of Eurosport channels 28/02/25

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more



Always possible WBD is using the UK as a testbed to see how ending broadcast channels affects app subscription uptake...


It's a nice little self-contained market compared to mainland Europe.

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This message was authored by MrKieranb This message was authored by: MrKieranb

Re: Closure of Eurosport channels 28/02/25

@TimmyBGood Yh I agree with you same with physical media some studios have only been focusing on different markets but UK and with the terrestrial TV slowly dying out and Astra Satellites slowly coming to the end of life seems they are making decisions to close channels year on till the end comes in 2028/9 and seeing how this impacts both sides of things I also think in next few years only free to air sky channels will remain as they recently closed SD channels to free space again just a idea and view take care 🙂

This message was authored by GD1 This message was authored by: GD1

Re: Closure of Eurosport channels 28/02/25

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@TimmyBGood wrote:



Always possible WBD is using the UK as a testbed to see how ending broadcast channels affects app subscription uptake...


It's a nice little self-contained market compared to mainland Europe.

Very likely, however Eurosport is in quite a few European markets, not sure how they will fare on the continent if they removed Europsort 🙂

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