03 Jan 2024 12:52 PM
I recently received a very high call charge in my Sky bill. It related to a single outgoing phone call that it says lasted 5 hrs 7 mins 18 secs (our normal calls are less than 1 hr therefore charged at £0.00). The actual call lasted 7 mins 18 secs, but it would appear that the call remained open for a further 5 hours, perhaps due to someone not putting the receiver down properly to end the call. Sky helpdesk were unable to help (or refund the obvious error). Is there anywhere that I can set the maximum duration of an outgoing call to force an end to the call to prevent this happening again?
03 Jan 2024 01:08 PM
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@tywodllwyd wrote:
Is there anywhere that I can set the maximum duration of an outgoing call to force an end to the call to prevent this happening again?
I don't think there is I'm afraid as it is up to the customer to make sure the call is ended correctly.
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