Discussion topic: home phone number changed without consent

This message was authored by Baboushka This message was authored by: Baboushka

home phone number changed without consent

We had been with Sky for over 20 years when we decided to change broadband provider. We opted for a local company and discovered that SWS had been taken over by Voneus (other companies are available). We had nothing but issues with the company, We needed an engineer to call by to sort things out. Zippo. My husband could not get a wifi signal in his office, so we were sent a booster which made precious little difference. For 6 months we could not make a call out. After many emails and chats, we decided to return to Sky. In so doing we discovred that the home phone number had been changed despite saying that we wanted to keep our old number. We need advice please as to how to retrieve our old number before it is allocated to someone else. Thank you 


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This message was authored by Daniel0210 This message was authored by: Daniel0210

Re: home phone number changed without consent

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


As I understand it Sky can't guarantee the same landline number being retained and it might be too late now for it's retrieval. Call Sky to discuss the possibility. 

▪️I AM NOT A SKY EMPLOYEE (undercover or otherwise) ▪️
Sky customer since 2001
with: Sky Q | Sky Superfast Broadband | Sky Talk | Sky Mobile
NOTE: I only provide help on the forums and NOT via PM
This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: home phone number changed without consent

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Sky say that you can normally keep your number if you ask to, when you switch to them, but they don't guarantee it. 


If they were unable to keep your number during the switching process, it's unlikely they'll be able to do so after the switch has completed, I'm afraid. All you can do is call them (dial 150) to see what they say.




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