Discussion topic: SKY Talk no longer works with new SKY Max Hub

This message was authored by Chloe142 This message was authored by: Chloe142

Re: SKY Talk no longer works with new SKY Max Hub

That's quite funny all I have had is around 3 text saying the same thing, I would love the fault to be in the cabinet, if that's the case why don't they get an engineer to check it's not a fault in the cabinet.

This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: SKY Talk no longer works with new SKY Max Hub

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@Chloe142 wrote:

That's quite funny all I have had is around 3 text saying the same thing, I would love the fault to be in the cabinet, if that's the case why don't they get an engineer to check it's not a fault in the cabinet.

I doubt it is, in your case.

This message was authored by Dave10111 This message was authored by: Dave10111

Re: SKY Talk no longer works with new SKY Max Hub

Credit to Sky - my phone line started working last night - so obviousluy something was being done.

This message was authored by Wolfie1401 This message was authored by: Wolfie1401

Re: SKY Talk no longer works with new SKY Max Hub

I've had this problem with my phone line, They asked me while talking to them to send 3 photos which I did so it could be esculated, and today received a text asking me to ring them, they gave me a list of instructions which I carried out and it's still the same. I have a dial tone, it dials the number then goes straight back to the dial tone, they've even tried ringing the phone and they could'nt get through. 


They said if the above didn't work to contact again to provide more photos, but what else can they do?


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