Discussion topic: Number was agreed to be ported to sky by virgin , but shy hasn’t ported the number

This message was authored by chris2223 This message was authored by: chris2223

Number was agreed to be ported to sky by virgin , but shy hasn’t ported the number

Sky said when I ordered that they could port my virgin number over , virgin confirmed they could but shy hasn't ported my number over 

They have given me a new number but I want my original land live number from virgin 


All Replies

This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: Number was agreed to be ported to sky by virgin , but shy hasn’t ported the number

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Welcome to the Community, mainly of customers. It's unlikely that Sky will respond to your post.


Have you spoken to Sky about this? What have they said?

Topic Author
This message was authored by chris2223 This message was authored by: chris2223

Re: Number was agreed to be ported to sky by virgin , but shy hasn’t ported the number

Spoke to sky , said I hadn't ticked the box to transafe but I had an email from virgin saying sky had asked them to transfer the number on the 27 September so obviously I had ticked the box to keep my number 

Not a great start for us 

This message was authored by mk7249 This message was authored by: mk7249

Re: Number was agreed to be ported to sky by virgin , but shy hasn’t ported the number

I have the exact same issue. Sky's suggestion was to cancel and reorder as a new customer which will take up to a month and I'll lose the contracted price.


What did you do in the end?

Topic Author
This message was authored by chris2223 This message was authored by: chris2223

Re: Number was agreed to be ported to sky by virgin , but shy hasn’t ported the number

Hi , they said that to me 

So  I decided it was easier to keep the new number 

seems like a bit of a con to me 

This message was authored by John0014 This message was authored by: John0014

Re: Number was agreed to be ported to sky by virgin , but shy hasn’t ported the number

They told me that once you've transferred broadband they cannot get the old number. Sounds like incompetence if you ask me. I've never had this issue before and I've hopped over numerous broadband providers.

This message was authored by mk7249 This message was authored by: mk7249

Re: Number was agreed to be ported to sky by virgin , but shy hasn’t ported the number

You can ask them to send you the report from Openreach about the port itself. For me, it was a mismatch in Account holders name/varied address the day before activation.


It would have been nice for Sky to let me know before activating the service that the port didn't go through and allow me to correct it with any required information they needed (such as a bill and written agreement from the Virgin Media account holder). Instead, they activated with a new number without telling me it. Apparently for security reasons, they cannot tell me my own phone number nor is it written in any official documentation. They advise dailing 17070 and it reads the number out to you.


On the flip side however, you can actually get your old number back within 30 days of it being ceased/disconnected to another provider (not Sky). I've started the process - I had to verify the details through a bill and written agreement from the Virgin Media account holder to prove the number belonged to me, so hopefully I get the number back this Friday. I will report back then to let you all know it went.


This message was authored by John0014 This message was authored by: John0014

Re: Number was agreed to be ported to sky by virgin , but shy hasn’t ported the number

@mk7249 Oh right, that must be it. The registered name for this broadband is different to the name from my previous broadband provider, however my address is the same. How did you request a report from openreach by the way? I called three times, 1st two times the person hung up on me while they were "checking". 3rd time the guy told me that nothing could be done at all. 

This message was authored by mk7249 This message was authored by: mk7249

Re: Number was agreed to be ported to sky by virgin , but shy hasn’t ported the number

So I got my number back. It's VoIP and works through SIP.


I'm with A&A and pay £1.44 a month for the line. Calls are 1ppm to landlines and 4ppm to mobiles. 


You will need a SIP phone which you can get cheap on eBay or a Grandstream ATA (if you want use your existing analogue phones) which again you can get cheap on eBay.


I'll be cancelling Sky as they've not been able to provide me a broadband service (Removed)  


Moderator note: Removed unfounded allegations

This message was authored by mk7249 This message was authored by: mk7249

Re: Number was agreed to be ported to sky by virgin , but shy hasn’t ported the number

@John0014 You need to make a SAR request under Article 15 of GDPR.


You need to ask for all the notes, messages, communication logs and documents on your account. You then need to ask them to login to the Openreach system and do the same. They may say that you need to contact Openreach and make a separate SAR request to them, but this is incorrect as if they are able to login to see information about your telephone line, then that data must be included in the SAR response provided by them, as they have access to that data.


A manager will contact you in a few days after to discuss why you are making the request and how you will use the data.

This message was authored by MT456 This message was authored by: MT456

Re: Number was agreed to be ported to sky by virgin , but shy hasn’t ported the number



Can you let me know exactly how you did this as this has happened to my mother in law at the start of December.


The phone number wasn't ported from EE even though the box was definitely ticked when completing the online application.


She has had the number for over 50 years and uses the landline a lot as mobile signals can be problematic where she lives.

Topic Author
This message was authored by chris2223 This message was authored by: chris2223

Re: Number was agreed to be ported to sky by virgin , but shy hasn’t ported the number

I just gave up and accepted the new number 

it was easier as to fix it I would need to cancel the package

and start all over again 

but been very impressed 

This message was authored by mk7249 This message was authored by: mk7249

Re: Number was agreed to be ported to sky by virgin , but shy hasn’t ported the number

Contact A&A sales team and ask them to port a seized number. You can do it up to 30 days after disconnection.


They will set the IP phone account with the same landline number. You may need to buy additional equipment to get it working, but once setup it'll be like nothings changed.


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