Discussion topic: Landlines not working following fibre instal

This message was authored by MKSK This message was authored by: MKSK

Landlines not working following fibre instal


we had our full fibre installed just before Christmas but have just realised that neither of our landlines are working.  We had ASDL filters when we had broadband but I wondered if this is causing the problem.  I have a dial tone but it won't connect to actually make a call.  Can anyone help with any ideas or suggestions? Many thanks


All Replies

This message was authored by cymru123 This message was authored by: cymru123

Re: Landlines not working following fibre instal



Are your phones now plugged into the phone port on the back of the sky router?


What router do you have? 

Topic Author
This message was authored by MKSK This message was authored by: MKSK

Re: Landlines not working following fibre instal


It is the white Sky Max Hub we now have.  I am sure there was some sort of cable that connected our old hub to the ASDL filter before, but I can't 100% remember.  I should have taken a photo before the engineer arrived.


Our phones weren't previously directly wired to the hub - the main base station phone is upstairs, connected to the phone line box via the ASDL filter and the second phone just requires to be plugged into an electrical socket.


I am sure there is something missing between the hub and the phone box beside it, but I sent all the cables back to Sky that were connected to the hub and despite trying many different options, I can't get through on the Live Web Chat.


I managed to get an online form, but all they seemed to do was check the line, then send a txt to say it's a problem in the house, so I definitely think there is some sort of cable missing.  The fact I can hear the phone trying to dial, but it just won't connect.


Can you request these cables from Sky?  Thanks

This message was authored by TimmyBGood This message was authored by: TimmyBGood

Re: Landlines not working following fibre instal

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@MKSK wrote:


Our phones weren't previously directly wired to the hub - the main base station phone is upstairs, connected to the phone line box via the ASDL filter and the second phone just requires to be plugged into an electrical socket.



There's nothing missing: once an SOGEA broadband connection is in place, extension sockets just don't work.  Only the 'phone' port on the rear of the Hub is live for a telephone handset, and that's where your DECT base station needs to be plugged in.

* * * * * * *

Sky Glass 55" (on ethernet) & two Stream Pucks (one ethernet / one WiFi)
BT Halo 3+ Ultrafast FTTP (500Mbs), BT Smart Hub 2

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