Discussion topic: Landline phone crackles when you when you use it

This message was authored by Hello+Golds This message was authored by: Hello+Golds

Landline phone crackles when you when you use it

hi is there anybody knows how to stop your landline crackling it's a BT analog line at the moment but in the future it will be digital. Will this stop then or do I have to buy another phone for my landline or is it my fault, the landline port

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This message was authored by jamesn123 This message was authored by: jamesn123 Answer

Re: Landline phone crackles when you when you use it

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Hi @Hello+Golds 

Its likely down to a fault on your line although make sure your using a microfilter that isnt faulty.

When you move to digital voice this problem should go away 

I am NOT a Sky Employee
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