Discussion topic: Cant dial a specific landline number

This message was authored by brianholt This message was authored by: brianholt

Cant dial a specific landline number

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Morning all, i am trying to make a call to one specific uk number which is a domestic sky customer - my parents. We are both with sky and the number when i call says not currently unavailable. Been like this for months. If i call via a mobile its fine. Both our landline phones can make and recieve calls from other parties fine. We both use sky internet calls. Any ideas on how to resolve please ?

Like you I am a fellow customer trying to help so please provide as much info as possible
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Best Answers
This message was authored by delboy14 This message was authored by: delboy14 Answer

Re: Cant dial a specific landline number

Contacted Sky, they have done a fix, they told me around 60,000 of their customers were on a different'switch' they told me they hav3 done a temp fix and I shouldn't have anymore problems.  The problem only occurred when I dailed  a landline who were also on sky talk. It is fixed hope it's fixed for everyone now.  Will add Sky kept me updated regularly by phone.

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