Discussion topic: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

Topic Author
This message was authored by lesley2957 This message was authored by: lesley2957

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

That's not really solving the misconfigured router which you are suggesting is the problem. It's just a work around. How do I sort out the internet connection?

This message was authored by Annie+UK This message was authored by: Annie+UK

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

It's the best you'll get 2 days before Xmas 🙂


My router suggestion is 1 of many potential causes, there is no quick fix


Your issue seems to me a minor inconvenience rather than a showstopper, at least you have on demand, just not in the evening

I am Neurodivergent Sky+HD  LG NanoCell TV  Xbox
My F•A•Qs: Sky GlassSky StreamSky GoSky Plus
Topic Author
This message was authored by lesley2957 This message was authored by: lesley2957

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

Annie you still haven't answered my question about how do I correct a misconfigured router.

You are quite correct it is an inconvenience but it is a fault which has only been present for a few weeks and it means I'm not getting the service I'm paying for. If you really are a former computer expertyou should know how to advise how to proceed.

This message was authored by Oddie2004 This message was authored by: Oddie2004

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

I had a long conversation with Customer Priority Team this afternoon who are aware of certain issues on some Sky+ HD boxes for a certain period in the evening but they have now offered me Sky Q with the current package I have and honoured my contracts on my current packages with 2TB box even though I have a non HD TV but apparently it is not an issue which is something they have told me in the past and is just connected the same as my current box which an engineer is coming to do in 1 months time so lets wait and see.


This message was authored by nigea99 This message was authored by: nigea99

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Oddie2004 wrote:

I had a long conversation with Customer Priority Team this afternoon who are aware of certain issues on some Sky+ HD boxes for a certain period in the evening but they have now offered me Sky Q with the current package I have and honoured my contracts on my current packages with 2TB box even though I have a non HD TV but apparently it is not an issue which is something they have told me in the past and is just connected the same as my current box which an engineer is coming to do in 1 months time so lets wait and see.


@Oddie2004  is your existing box connected via an HDMi cable ?


BTW You may, also,  wish to read some notes I have made for people considering switching from SKY +/HD to SKY Q


SKY +/HD to SKY Q 

This message was authored by CSH123456 This message was authored by: CSH123456

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

This happened on my Sky box last night, I was watching a series on Paramount, 2nd episode didnt download automatically, went to get it, couldnt scroll through, it was so slow and saying disconnected from internet, checked that and on demand was connecting and disconnecting but internet was connected. spent ages trying to sort it, even changing the remote batteries because of scrolling problems and then found this thread.   After 10:30pm I downloaded the whole of 2 series I wanted to watch and left it, no problems with scrolling then, just checked just now and they are there on the planner so it must be a similar problem with my box, how annoying.   

This message was authored by Mjt62 This message was authored by: Mjt62

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

For roughly 2 weeks each night 9pmish to 10.30pm my catch up is slow to load each time message on screen says check broadband connection but as its skyhd box sky does nothing as hoping all change to streaming 

This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Mjt62 wrote:

For roughly 2 weeks each night 9pmish to 10.30pm my catch up is slow to load each time message on screen says check broadband connection but as its skyhd box sky does nothing as hoping all change to streaming 

Sky Stream is certainly an option, as is Sky Q.

This message was authored by Oddie2004 This message was authored by: Oddie2004

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

I am getting Q in a couple of weeks.

This message was authored by Mackemholic This message was authored by: Mackemholic

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

Mine was the same last night between 8-10 pm catch up is very slow. 

This message was authored by Oddie2004 This message was authored by: Oddie2004

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

Sky have suggested it could be broadband engineers working in certain areas which seems a viable explanation as it seems to be happening a similar time every day .Once I have changed to Q Sky will call me the following day to see if the download,catch up issues have been resolved or send a broadband engineer out to see what is going on.Seems strange that 2 engineers have to be sent but that is how they work.

This message was authored by Annie+UK This message was authored by: Annie+UK

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Maybe the volume of people downloading is overloading the servers in the evenings, my mum reported this issue for the first time last night but this morning there was no problem with the downloads

I am Neurodivergent Sky+HD  LG NanoCell TV  Xbox
My F•A•Qs: Sky GlassSky StreamSky GoSky Plus
Topic Author
This message was authored by lesley2957 This message was authored by: lesley2957

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

This is a strange situation but my broadband provider is virgin media (which uses their own cabling) and if you are using sky broadband (which uses open reach/BT cabling) I dont think the explanation is that it is engineers working on the system (especially as I had the problem on Christmas Day). They are completely separate systems which use inderpendant servers. The problem seemed to start suddenly and now is happening every evening but no problem during the day. It could be volume of demand but it is difficult to say why it has become a problem overnight. Im sure there is more demand for downloads during the evening but why has this suddenly become a problem at the beginning of December. Fortunately sky now seem to be aware of the problem.

This message was authored by Mjt62 This message was authored by: Mjt62

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

Just spoke with sky they deny any problems and say coincidence nothing more 

This message was authored by Mjt62 This message was authored by: Mjt62

Re: Sky+hd box slow to access catch up and box sets

As sky no longer make skyhd boxes it's a way to push clients on to sky streaming or skyq box or glass suggest you contact ofcom 


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