Discussion topic: Sky+ Box - How do I know if I have a Sky+ SD Box or a Sky+ HD Box?

This message was authored by Karenda2024 This message was authored by: Karenda2024

Sky+ Box - How do I know if I have a Sky+ SD Box or a Sky+ HD Box?

Hello everyone, my Father has received a letter from Sky informing him that they are offering him a free Sky Q box due to no further software upgrades will take place for his Sky+ box.

i have read through some of the discussions of other customers who have received the same letter and have read on here that if it's a Sky+ HD box then the box will not cease to function in the way of being able to watch all the channels he has at the moment (he normally watches Sky Sport channels), recording programmes, rewind etc etc., but there will only be minor changes such as he won't be able to watch the BBC Text Service or use the 'red button' function.

How will I know if my Father has the Sky+ (SD) or the Sky+ HD box being I have read that there's less chance of losing as many functions with the HD model?

The thing is my Father is elderly and I'm very sad to say, very very sick so I do not want to cause him any extra stress by having to change his Sky box unneccessarily.   If he can continue to use his existing Sky+ box just to watch his tv channels (inc. Sport channel) then there will be no need to go down the road of organising a Sky Technican to install a Sky Q box.

I will be grateful for your advice, thank you.



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This message was authored by SKY1992bf This message was authored by: SKY1992bf

Re: Sky+ Box - How do I know if I have a Sky+ SD Box or a Sky+ HD Box?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Karenda2024  Can he watch channel 5 hd on 105 if yes he has a hd box if not he doesn't 

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my setup: Samsung 5 series 32inc tv | sky +hd box | variety, SKY & TNT sports,sky cinema | Netflix and prime video
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This message was authored by Annie+UK This message was authored by: Annie+UK

Re: Sky+ Box - How do I know if I have a Sky+ SD Box or a Sky+ HD Box?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


I am Neurodivergent Sky+HD  LG NanoCell TV  Xbox
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This message was authored by nigea99 This message was authored by: nigea99

Re: Sky+ Box - How do I know if I have a Sky+ SD Box or a Sky+ HD Box?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

hi @Karenda2024 


The link that @Annie+UK gives details but now that the BBC have moved all their channels to HD the quickest way to see if he can watch any BBC channel - if he can then it is an HD box.


As you have read unless the box is actually failing then, personally,  I would suggest remaining with the box rather than upggrading to SKY Q


Although if you want to see more about switching,  you may wish to read some notes I have made for people considering switching from SKY +/HD to SKY Q

SKY +/HD to SKY Q 

(Sorry some of it is techie)


Topic Author
This message was authored by Karenda2024 This message was authored by: Karenda2024

Re: Sky+ Box - How do I know if I have a Sky+ SD Box or a Sky+ HD Box?

Thank you, I didn't expect it to be as easy as that to be able to find out what sort of Sky+ box he has.  I will check when I visit him tomorrow.  Thank you again.

This message was authored by nigea99 This message was authored by: nigea99

Re: Sky+ Box - How do I know if I have a Sky+ SD Box or a Sky+ HD Box?

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Karenda2024 wrote:

Thank you, I didn't expect it to be as easy as that to be able to find out what sort of Sky+ box he has.  I will check when I visit him tomorrow.  Thank you again.

BTW if he does watch BBC then if he has an SD only box he would have seen a big part of the screen with a message saying it would close in January 2024 for many weeks

This message was authored by HeathHayle This message was authored by: HeathHayle

Re: Sky+ Box - How do I know if I have a Sky+ SD Box or a Sky+ HD Box?

@Karenda2024 even easier if the box is white its SD if its black its HD

= Sky+ SD boxes x4 (pace bskyb 3100) ===

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