Discussion topic: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes


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This message was authored by Kirsty+S27 This message was authored by: Kirsty+S27

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

Posted by a Sky employee

@Madsforit wrote:

Hi - when I do that it's not showing anything in the IP address (---.---.---.---) so I can't save settings and gateway router and dns still saying the same?

Hi @Madsforit 


Thanks for letting me know. 


When you reset it can you type in into the DNS or to match what the gateway router IP says and save.


Thank you


Community Manager
This message was authored by Madsforit This message was authored by: Madsforit

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

Did that but download still failed ☹️

This message was authored by Irish-Steve This message was authored by: Irish-Steve

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

@Kirsty+S27 wrote:

@Madsforit wrote:

Hi - when I do that it's not showing anything in the IP address (---.---.---.---) so I can't save settings and gateway router and dns still saying the same?

Hi @Madsforit 


Thanks for letting me know. 


When you reset it can you type in into the DNS or to match what the gateway router IP says and save.


Thank you

Depending on the box, I tried this earlier, and the only way mine would let me put the address in was to enter, 192168000001, and it automatically skips between the entry points, if you don't put the zeros in, for some reason, on this box, the right arrow key to move between the segments isn't working, so putting in the 0's forces it to move to the next segment.


Didn't solve the problem that downloads are not working though, so that issue is still wide open as far as I'm concerned, and we might end up having to bite the bullet on a Q upgrade, which was not what I was planning, given the costs involved.


Shore, if twas easy we'd all be doin it!
This message was authored by PocketDog This message was authored by: PocketDog

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

@Irish-Steve wrote:

Didn't solve the problem that downloads are not working though, so that issue is still wide open as far as I'm concerned, and we might end up having to bite the bullet on a Q upgrade, which was not what I was planning, given the costs involved.


Or change the router. 

Neither of which we should have to do but it is an option. 

This message was authored by Irish-Steve This message was authored by: Irish-Steve

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

@PocketDog wrote:

@Irish-Steve wrote:

Didn't solve the problem that downloads are not working though, so that issue is still wide open as far as I'm concerned, and we might end up having to bite the bullet on a Q upgrade, which was not what I was planning, given the costs involved.


Or change the router. 

Neither of which we should have to do but it is an option. 

That may not be so easy here, our Broadband is Sky also, and they seem to only have one router, but there's apparently an issue there at the moment, I managed to find the right number to follow up on an unreturned  call from Wednesday, and it seems our broadband has an intermittent issue, so that's got to be fixed first, and one possible option is an upgrade to Fibre all the way to the home, at present, it's only Fibre to the cabinet, so we'd go from about 80 down to 500 or 1000 down, and that opens up all sorts of possibilities, including possibly ditching Satellite and going over to alternatives that are web based, but I'm doing nothing until I know what the options are, at present, it's a mess, and I'm not signing up for anything until I get cast iron assurances, we're out of contract at the moment, so nothing changes until I am sure it's the right thing to do.

Shore, if twas easy we'd all be doin it!
This message was authored by Numo This message was authored by: Numo

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

Exactly the same issue -


Stargate SG1 etc  were all being downloaded successfully until a week or two ago and now nothing will download, but various other on demands still do and a thorough reset on everything, router etc was carried out 


just hope sky actually read these sites as I also don't want to waste hours of my life trying to resolve! 

fingers crossed 

This message was authored by Annie+UK This message was authored by: Annie+UK

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Numo If your issue has only recently started happening then is sounds like a different issue with a similar outcome as the issue in this thread started at the beginning of the year

I am Neurodivergent Sky+HD  LG NanoCell TV  Xbox SeriesX
My F•A•Qs: Sky GlassSky StreamSky GoSky Plus
This message was authored by Irish-Steve This message was authored by: Irish-Steve

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

@Annie+UK wrote:

@NumoIf your issue has only recently started happening then is sounds like a different issue with a similar outcome as the issue in this thread started at the beginning of the year

This is very recent, it's only started as a result of the Sci Fi channel dumping SG1 out of their schedule at episode 18 of series 8, so I went looking for the next in the series, and found this issue.

I've been trying all week to get into the relevant systems at Sky to try and report it, but there's all manner of strange issues happening with the Irish site, things like having a header that says I'm on the Irish Site, and the Irish Flag at the bottom of the screen, but the phone number that comes up is a non contactable UK number, instead of the number for Ireland.

It's looking very much to me like a very corrupt caching server at Sky that's got totally screwed up, and is rendering all manner of rubbish to the end user.


Shore, if twas easy we'd all be doin it!
This message was authored by Irish-Steve This message was authored by: Irish-Steve

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

Couldn't look earlier, as the box was in use, the last recorded SG1 was May 31, so this issue has only come about since that date, and I've been trying to resolve it since Tuesday, having been away over the weekend, the fact that it's a month change in the middle of this does make me very suspicious that there's been some sort of system wide update that's causing problems, and it seems from the Q forum that it's not limited to Sky+ boxes, there are users on Q that are also reporting similar issues.


Not quite sure how we escalate it to Sky, as it seems to be a new issue, though similar to what's been previously reported, hopefully someone from Sky will take an appropriate interest in this, and see if it can be resolved.


Shore, if twas easy we'd all be doin it!
This message was authored by Irish-Steve This message was authored by: Irish-Steve

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

At last, an answer, not what I was expecting, and clearly not released to support personnel at Sky, I'm less than happy at having spent nearly 4 hours over several days on this,  and nearly losing all our recorded programs on the box if we'd done a full reset, which would not have fixed the issue.


From a comment in another thread, it seems that the rights to the Stargate series have expired.


YEAH, would it really have been that hard to let the system know about that?


So, that raises several questions. If the rights have expired, why is every episode still showing as being available for download from Sky Max?


If the issue is that the rights have expired, why is the Sky + box reporting an error message that suggests a broadband issue when the download fails, as clearly, it's NOT a broadband issue?


At least I now have an answer, but the answer is not pleasing, for all of the reasons highlighted, and it's made me look very closely at what we're paying for Sky, and that's started a whole new process now, and it might be the end of a long relationship with Sky, we can get almost everything we have now for way less than we're paying, so that investigation is ongoing, and may well mean a change of supplier, reducing our monthly spend by nearly €100 is looking very attractive right now.




Shore, if twas easy we'd all be doin it!
This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Irish-Steve wrote:


From a comment in another thread, it seems that the rights to the Stargate series have expired.


While the expiry of rights to Stargate may be the cause of a download issue for you, I don't believe it to be the case for most other posters here, as it has been ongoing for many months.

This message was authored by Annie+UK This message was authored by: Annie+UK

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Irish-Steve Your problem has nothing to do with the issues discussed in this thread 😞 Posting here just adds confusion to others reading 😞

I am Neurodivergent Sky+HD  LG NanoCell TV  Xbox SeriesX
My F•A•Qs: Sky GlassSky StreamSky GoSky Plus
This message was authored by Irish-Steve This message was authored by: Irish-Steve

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

@Annie+UK wrote:

@Irish-SteveYour problem has nothing to do with the issues discussed in this thread 😞 Posting here just adds confusion to others reading 😞

True, now that Sky have admitted that they caused the problem, it would seem that the issue I was trying to resolve is unrelated to the original issue.


Initially, the symptoms I was seeing were IDENTICAL to the other posts,  2 boxes, both unable to download from a specific service, with other downloads working correctly, so it was reasonable to explore the situation.


Only now, with the revelation of the real reason for the problems with Stargate, it has become clear that this issue is different. The fact that both boxes only threw up an error implying a broadband issue only served to confuse things even more.


I'm quite happy to leave this thread now, in the hope that Sky will get their act together, and learn from it, but I'm not going to hold my breath on that, given their appalling lack of response.

Shore, if twas easy we'd all be doin it!
This message was authored by MogwaiSatTV This message was authored by: MogwaiSatTV

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

On initial testing of my main non wifi sky box after using the plusnet router rather than my own mesh system and fibre modem, downloads are now working again.

The next test is to put my mesh router in bridge mode and see if this allows my 2 wifi boxes to work.

This message was authored by MogwaiSatTV This message was authored by: MogwaiSatTV

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

All 3 boxes are now working again after coming up on 4 and half months. All sorted no thanks to Sky's efforts.


The current setup of mesh system in bridge mode connected to the plusnet router should surfice until I can get full fibre installed.


In case anyone wanted to know this is all while using Plusnet's DNS servers. Which is what I was using before this issue started.


So I can only assume that the entire issue is that SKy have got some bit of info about my old router or modem that means I was still getting redirected to the old DNS "headend"  all this time


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