Discussion topic: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes


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This message was authored by shand9876 This message was authored by: shand9876

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

Stupid question.

As I said until January it worked perfectly well if slowly.

Sky changed something which they have admitted to doing.

That is why they say they are fixing it. 

The fact that changing provider fixed it in my case does not let Sky off the hook.

We didn't change ISP beacuse of this. The fix is incidental.

This message was authored by Madsforit This message was authored by: Madsforit

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

If broadband were the issue, why did @Kirsty+S27 post

"...The cause of this issue was down to our infrastructure being updated at the headend (which was affecting Q as well however this was resolved relatively quickly) was taking longer to resolve on Sky + boxes. A DNS change was done to point towards the new headend but a small number of HD+ were stuck on the old DNS and not updating so were pointing wrongly at the old headend...."

This message was authored by Eddy99 This message was authored by: Eddy99

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

SKY is the issue - it's blocking certain routers from receiving downloads - please don't confuse people or give them hope on tired failed topics, have another read through the threads. This is just all cloak and daggers now i feel in the hope we all go away. Some people changing their routers / providers are having luck, however most of us are not including the people not savvy enough to post on forums or even know what a forum is. SKY made a change months ago now which is affecting me, SKY told me they are now rolling out a fix (addmission) but apparently cannot do it in one go for everyone, i mean how many people is everyone?

*Computer, Technology, and IT Literate*
This message was authored by pkjp This message was authored by: pkjp

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

Because the download functionality with the original ISP was working absolutely fine until Sky amended their infrastructure a few months ago. For those affected, the only fix seems to be fix-it-yourself (by amending local setup such as router and hoping that any compatibility issue with Sky is resolved or, moving to another service such as Sky Q/Stream/Now or, moving from Sky completely). It's not clear Sky themselves have fixed anything for anyone with regard to this specific issue. 

This message was authored by bobbyb23 This message was authored by: bobbyb23

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

Can i Ask, are you using Sky+HD  with a newer Sky WiFi Hub as your broadband method or are you still uisng the old square router from like 2013 onwards, or, does it not matter for Sky+HD to use WiFi features?

This message was authored by Annie+UK This message was authored by: Annie+UK

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@shand9876 wrote:

Stupid question.

As I said until January it worked perfectly well if slowly.

Sky changed something which they have admitted to doing.

That is why they say they are fixing it. 

The fact that changing provider fixed it in my case does not let Sky off the hook.

We didn't change ISP beacuse of this. The fix is incidental.

Sky changed nothing and you changed ISP and now the issue is resolved, but still you insist on it being a Sky issue, that does not add up in my books 😞

I am Neurodivergent Sky+HD  LG NanoCell TV  Xbox SeriesX
My F•A•Qs: Sky GlassSky StreamSky GoSky Plus
This message was authored by PocketDog This message was authored by: PocketDog

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

Sky knows it's their issue as per above and as per @Kirsty+S27 's post confirming. 

To now see Superusers completely forget this and now revert to blaming anyone but Sky is somewhat bewlidering. 


As has already been explained, using someone else's internet appears to cause the DNS to reset and it would start to work - which was why everyone was talking about using their neighbours internet or tethering etc. 


 Changing ISP would, of course, have the same effect.

This message was authored by Steve0001 This message was authored by: Steve0001

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

@pkjp wrote:

This specific issue has nothing to do with broadband speed.


Why can we download BBC content? Is someone at Sky suggesting that BBC content isn't sensitive to download speeds, but Sky content is and so fails?!

It cannot be the ISP. Why do some people move to Sky Q and the issue seems to be fixed - that is a change of box not ISP. Just because someone moved to Starlink and it fixed the issue does not mean the ISP is the issue (as they indicated). If I moved to Sky Q there is no guarantee the issue would be resolved as I would not be chaning ISP!

This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Eddy99 wrote:

SKY is the issue - it's blocking certain routers from receiving downloads.

To my knowledge Sky have never confirmed that to be the case.


I'm not sure how Sky could possibly 'block' routers either inadvertently or deliberately other than those provided by themselves. And I don't think they're affected.

This message was authored by MogwaiSatTV This message was authored by: MogwaiSatTV

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

I think the reason that people chainging ISP's or routers is fixing the issue is because they are then getting routed to the new DNS header reference in the "answer"  and are not stuck on the old DNS header.

As when I tethered my sky box to my phone and just used 4G it then worked but then reverted to having the issue as soon as I put it back to how it was configured before. Even having my external static ip has not resolved the issue.

This message was authored by Annie+UK This message was authored by: Annie+UK

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Sky have corrected the earlier issue and people should not be having a problem now this is why they have had to inform the relevant deptarment that people are still getting an issue, obviously there are either two seperate issues or the first one was not the full story

I am Neurodivergent Sky+HD  LG NanoCell TV  Xbox SeriesX
My F•A•Qs: Sky GlassSky StreamSky GoSky Plus
This message was authored by Madsforit This message was authored by: Madsforit

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

@Mark39 wrote:

@Eddy99 wrote:

SKY is the issue - it's blocking certain routers from receiving downloads.

To my knowledge Sky have never confirmed that to be the case.


I'm not sure how Sky could possibly 'block' routers either inadvertently or deliberately other than those provided by themselves. And I don't think they're affected.

Here's where they confirmed that to be the case https://helpforum.sky.com/t5/Sky/On-demand-download-failure-Sky-on-2-boxes/m-p/4313858#M139550

This message was authored by PocketDog This message was authored by: PocketDog

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

@Kirsty+S27 wrote:


The cause of this issue was down to our infrastructure being updated at the headend (which was affecting Q as well however this was resolved relatively quickly) was taking longer to resolve on Sky + boxes. A DNS change was done to point towards the new headend but a small number of HD+ were stuck on the old DNS and not updating so were pointing wrongly at the old headend.

These instances are decreasing however we are still monitoring and expect this number of affected boxes to taper off.

The more I read this, the more I feel this actually means, "we arent doing anything to fix it but expect the numbers to decrease (presumably as people leave, get Sky Q or change ISP). 

This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Madsforit wrote:

@Mark39 wrote:

@Eddy99 wrote:

SKY is the issue - it's blocking certain routers from receiving downloads.

To my knowledge Sky have never confirmed that to be the case.


I'm not sure how Sky could possibly 'block' routers either inadvertently or deliberately other than those provided by themselves. And I don't think they're affected.

Here's where they confirmed that to be the case https://helpforum.sky.com/t5/Sky/On-demand-download-failure-Sky-on-2-boxes/m-p/4313858#M139550

Nope, it doesn’t say anything about blocking routers. 

This message was authored by Steve0001 This message was authored by: Steve0001

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

@PocketDog wrote:

@Kirsty+S27 wrote:


The cause of this issue was down to our infrastructure being updated at the headend (which was affecting Q as well however this was resolved relatively quickly) was taking longer to resolve on Sky + boxes. A DNS change was done to point towards the new headend but a small number of HD+ were stuck on the old DNS and not updating so were pointing wrongly at the old headend.

These instances are decreasing however we are still monitoring and expect this number of affected boxes to taper off.

The more I read this, the more I feel this actually means, "we arent doing anything to fix it but expect the numbers to decrease (presumably as people leave, get Sky Q or change ISP). 

Obsolescence of some kind. 🤔



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