Discussion topic: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes


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This message was authored by Steve0001 This message was authored by: Steve0001

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

@MogwaiSatTV wrote:

I have rung plusnet and they are in the process of arranging  for my static ip to be changed to another one. 

As not only has my wired box reverted to having the issue. Both of my wireless ones have as well, where initially they where able to download stuff when I moved them back to the original wifi network earlier after having them tethered to my phone.

OK. I am also on plusnet (with a netgear router) and so I would be very interested to know if changing the static ip works.


I will still play around with the mobile phone ethernet/usbc tether to the non-wifi sky box when the adaptor arrives. I will also repeat the router/box powerdowns/resets as well, just because...😔


This message was authored by MogwaiSatTV This message was authored by: MogwaiSatTV

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

@Steve0001 I now have a new static ip. But I think I will need to give it a while before testing as the one will need to propogate around the various DNS servers between sky and myself.

If you want one at some point you can go to the addons bit in your account portal and add one for  a one off charge of £5. But lets see what happens with mine first.

This message was authored by Tezspen This message was authored by: Tezspen

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

My box is downloading again so looks like sky are resolving the issues. 

This message was authored by Ccdb This message was authored by: Ccdb

Re: Sky + HD Download FAILED

Same problem here does anyone have dns number for talk talk 

This message was authored by Ccdb This message was authored by: Ccdb

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes


This message was authored by Annie+UK This message was authored by: Annie+UK

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Ccdb wrote:


Give it a little time, the fix is rolling out, they  cannot fix all boxes in one hit 😞

I am Neurodivergent Sky+HD  LG NanoCell TV  Xbox SeriesX
My F•A•Qs: Sky GlassSky StreamSky GoSky Plus
This message was authored by TimmyBGood This message was authored by: TimmyBGood

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@MogwaiSatTV wrote:

@Steve0001 I now have a new static ip. But I think I will need to give it a while before testing as the one will need to propogate around the various DNS servers between sky and myself.

DNS propagation is only relevant to your own IP address if you are hosting one or more websites or similar services at home and have the IPs for the domain names associated with those sites or services listed on a nameserver.  Under most circumstances a public IP address assigned by an ISP, whether dynamic or fixed, does not 'propogate around the various DNS servers': that's not what they are for.

* * * * * * *

Sky Glass 55" (on ethernet) & two Stream Pucks (one ethernet / one WiFi)
BT Halo 3+ Ultrafast FTTP (500Mbs), BT Smart Hub 2
This message was authored by lilacray This message was authored by: lilacray

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

Tried all the ways they say to get it working again but still not downloading anything just fail's all the time, been like that for nearly a month. Will we get a refund for this I think not!!

This message was authored by MogwaiSatTV This message was authored by: MogwaiSatTV

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

Changing my static ip has not resolved the situation. So I presume I will just have to wait for Sky to resolve it.

This message was authored by MogwaiSatTV This message was authored by: MogwaiSatTV

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes


Thank you for the update on the cause of the issue. What is the timeframe for the remaining affected boxes to be sorted out? As there is some new stuff on Paramount+ in the next few weeks that I would like to watch and don't want to take out separate subscription to Paramount + if I don't need to.

This message was authored by Kayelaina This message was authored by: Kayelaina

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

I agree @MogwaiSatTV .  I am sure Sky do not want to commit to an exact date but a rough time scale would be helpful.  To be fair after the update 19.05.23 I was hoping to be back downloading by now but 7 days on and nothing has changed yet.  Wonder how they are rolling out the fix as they have advised several times it is only a small number of boxes affected so I am disappointed that another week has gone by.  Still fingers crossed it will be resolved for us all soon.

This message was authored by AliDun This message was authored by: AliDun

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

Still no change for me, all attempts at downloads fail. Anyone else having any success?

This message was authored by Madsforit This message was authored by: Madsforit

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

Still not working for me - getting extremely frustrating as it's been going on for months! 

This message was authored by Kayelaina This message was authored by: Kayelaina

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

Sadly not @AliDun .  No change here either.  Still unable to download other that BBC and ITV. 

This message was authored by PocketDog This message was authored by: PocketDog

Re: On demand download failure Sky+ on 2 boxes

Yep, same. So getting technical fault unless it's downloading a trailer. 


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