Discussion topic: Will sky stream work through a Denon AVR 2400h into an old Pioneer screen

This message was authored by TheLoneGenius This message was authored by: TheLoneGenius

Will sky stream work through a Denon AVR 2400h into an old Pioneer screen

We currently have Sky Q box into a Denon AVR 2400H into an old Pioneer screen. We have loads of trees in our garden, so in summer, when thhe leaves are out, we quite often have no satellite signal. Can I replace Sky Q with Sky Stream to solve the problem? We have a fast internet connection.


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This message was authored by Padam_Padam This message was authored by: Padam_Padam

Re: Will sky stream work through a Denon AVR 2400h into an old Pioneer screen

@TheLoneGenius wrote:

We currently have Sky Q box into a Denon AVR 2400H into an old Pioneer screen. We have loads of trees in our garden, so in summer, when thhe leaves are out, we quite often have no satellite signal. Can I replace Sky Q with Sky Stream to solve the problem? We have a fast internet connection.

How fast is your internet connection? 

Sky Stream needs a stable connection with a minimum speed of around 30Mbps to function with any reliability.

Be aware that it is very different to Sky Q. You don't record in the same way as you do on Q. You can add programmes to a playlist to stream at a later date, but it's down to broadcasters to make these streams available.  

Topic Author
This message was authored by TheLoneGenius This message was authored by: TheLoneGenius

Re: Will sky stream work through a Denon AVR 2400h into an old Pioneer screen

Thanks. We get 100+ mbps so that's OK and we don't record much so again no problem. I'm just worried whether it will actually work.


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