Discussion topic: Watch from start fast forward issue once broadcast has ended

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This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith

Re: Watch from start fast forward issue once broadcast has ended

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Gijimes333 wrote:

The sky rep said an update was coming the end of Jan to fix this issue and as we are only a few days away and new software has been released, we can assume this is the update they were talking about. So to confirm this update has not fixed the issue as promised. 

The post marked as answer says the software version fix for this issue was "to be confirmed" and suggested it may start to roll out towards the end of this month but wasn't a confirmation.


Seeing how they are currently rolling out the software update to fix the "lip sync issue" that would suggest that the release of the software update fix for this issue has been pushed back.

Sky Stream and Sky Broadband customer

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This message was authored by Gijimes333 This message was authored by: Gijimes333

Re: Watch from start fast forward issue once broadcast has ended

Any updates on this fix?

This message was authored by CN100 This message was authored by: CN100

Re: Watch from start fast forward issue once broadcast has ended

When is this going to be resolved? It's now February and it's still failing. I'm fed up with WFS FF not working properly. Stream is still full of glitches and customers are never offered compensation for this. 

This message was authored by Mistyriver This message was authored by: Mistyriver

Re: Watch from start fast forward issue once broadcast has ended

Our story, I first complained about WFS and FF after live stream had finished crashing issue (we pay extra for ad skipping)  back in November 2024, we had just had Sky broadband installed. I was told we had to many devices (mainly smart plugs) on our system and we needed to upgrade our 35MBs to 150MBs, which though being a tech head and knowing this was crap we did, so as to confirm this would not resolve the issue. I then called in the middle of Dec 2024 to say the issue was still happening and that it may upset our viewing over Christmas if we loose movies we are watching, told it was a software issue that was being looked into and update from QS032 was expected the following week, before Christmas, which QS033 did happen but didn't resolve issue. Now it is Feb 2025 and QS034 is installed, fault still there so I just rang again. I have now been told this isn't a fault and it is normal operation, what do I expect if the program has stopped streaming!? When I asked 'Then why am I paying for ad skipping?' was told oh, that's just for watch on demand. Basically they have no way of fixing this issues!

This message was authored by Stottie This message was authored by: Stottie

Re: Watch from start fast forward issue once broadcast has ended

That is absolute garbage. The FF function should work - you might be skipping part of a programme you aren't interested in. It has nothing to do with ad skipping. Call them back and say you want to put a complaint in. My opinion of Sky customer services is plumetting day by day. 

This message was authored by Mistyriver This message was authored by: Mistyriver

Re: Watch from start fast forward issue once broadcast has ended

Your absolutely right and PS that should have been 75MBs to 150MBs, originally with Vodaphone broadband and apparently that was the problem then. This issue is being used to up-sell, first to OUR internet, then add skipping, then higher speed needed then when they couldn't sell me anything else 'Oh, that's the way it's meant to be!'. As you say, I have watched the news and if it's a story I already know and go to skip, CRASH, nothing to do with ad-skipping.

This message was authored by nicky15 This message was authored by: nicky15

Re: Watch from start fast forward issue once broadcast has ended

It is now February 25 - this is still an issue. I can watch a programme from start but if I am still viewing after the progamme has finished 'live' streaming and fast forward any commercial break, the streaming will stop and pressing play reverts to live tv. What is the point of being able to watch from the beginning if you can't watch to the end? When will it be fixed?

This message was authored by Gijimes333 This message was authored by: Gijimes333

Re: Watch from start fast forward issue once broadcast has ended

I agree. It has been aknowleged as a fault by sky on these forums. I am fearful though no fox is being worked on. The promise of new software to fix the issue is just the software roadmap and not confident anyone is actually looking into this issue now. 

This message was authored by AJH This message was authored by: AJH

Re: Watch from start fast forward issue once broadcast has ended

I Agree.

Its about time this issue was fixed.

The inability to use the system as intended is beyond frustrating.

The path to resolution seems to be inordinately long!

I would like SKY to respond and SKY should advise on a definitive date on when this will be fixed!

In general I am very disappointed with SKY, and with SKY Glass in general.





This message was authored by Gijimes333 This message was authored by: Gijimes333

Re: Watch from start fast forward issue once broadcast has ended

Any updates?

This message was authored by Ed.B. This message was authored by: Ed.B.

Re: Watch from start fast forward issue once broadcast has ended

Still waiting for this. 

I'm so fed up of restarting a film or a sports broadcast, winding through the ads and then, clearly when the original broadcast ended, fast forward crashes and goes to live TV, meaning I miss the end of the film or the match. 


Utter bobbins. You should refund all users their full subscriptions until it's fixed. 


I've offered myself many times over the last thirty years to be a tester for any, but you clearly don't care because you're happy to release broken product. 

This message was authored by TFDERRY This message was authored by: TFDERRY

Re: Watch from start fast forward issue once broadcast has ended

I have just spoken with Sky. I asked for an update and although they are aware of the issues with Watch from Start and the Lipsync issues but unfortunately they don't have a date for the fix. 

I said I felt it unfair that I pay for Ad Skipping but can't use it on Watch from start. The have given me two months of Ad Skipping Free.

Doesn't solve the issue but at least it's something. I would advise anyone with these issues to get on the phone to them and ask for free Ad Skipping until it's sorted.

This message was authored by KevNewMedia This message was authored by: KevNewMedia Answer

Re: Watch from start fast forward issue once broadcast has ended

Posted by a Sky employee

Hi Everyone


Thank you for your patience and perseverance whilst we worked through this technical problem.


Our support teams have advised that a fix will be deployed in the next firmware update, which is QS35.  We expect to start rolling out this release soon.  We understand your frustration and sincerely apologise for the delay in being able to fix this for you.

Community Manager

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