Discussion topic: The whole section of movies on my playlist is missing.

This message was authored by Ter1 This message was authored by: Ter1

The whole section of movies on my playlist is missing.

Went to view my movies from my playlist and the whole movie playlist has disappeared. I have tried rebooting the puck several times and they have not returned. It has been like this for a  day's now. My wife's playlist with her movies on it is OK 


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This message was authored by Fothergill1 This message was authored by: Fothergill1

Re: The whole section of movies on my playlist is missing.

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Ter1  That's unusual as a reboot usually resolves it.  My TV Guide rail disappeared about a week ago and a reboot was all it took to get it back.


In theory this is the same as a reboot but try a restart of your puck through settings > System Management > Resets & Updates > Restart device.  It takes 3 minutes to restart and your screen will go black for a while.  I can't see why this would work if a reboot didn't but it's worth a try.

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