Discussion topic: Sound issue's

This message was authored by Philclark This message was authored by: Philclark

Sound issue's

The sound on my puck started coming and going earlier I just wanted to know if its on your end or is it my tv? Everytime I ring all it dose is send this stupid link?????


All Replies

This message was authored by Exiled-in-HH This message was authored by: Exiled-in-HH

Re: Sound issue's

Did you talk to the Sky CSs bot before it sent you link to the Sky Customer Community?

This message was authored by Fothergill1 This message was authored by: Fothergill1

Re: Sound issue's

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Philclark My sound is OK so it is probably an issue at your end.


To help you get past the automated chatbot to speak to a real person try answering the following:

Say about  sky glass

Say it something else

Say NO when asked about using the web link


This should result in you avoiding the link and being put through to an adviser 🤞


If my post has solved your issue please mark as an "Answer"
If it has helped please give it a "Like"

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