Discussion topic: Sky stream is so flaky

This message was authored by Marvinator This message was authored by: Marvinator

Sky stream is so flaky

I expect when I turn on the TV that it will work. I don't think that's unreasonable. I would say 20% of the time though there is an issue with Stream. 

it's not my internet, before anyone says it is. I have 1gb connection, mesh and very strong connections through the whole house. 6 pucks. Some directly connected by Ethernet, some by power lines, some on WiFi. 

the issues persist across all of them. It's like when you turn on on after it has been off for a while it tries to connect via WiFi even if WiFi is turned off on the puck. 

this happens intermittently across all pucks, regardless of how they are connected and it happened whether network standby mode is turned on or off. 

it is clearly a software issue. **bleep** if wrong with them that they think this level of instability is ok? I don't want to be having to reboot pucks every couple of days. 

if it could just reach a level of basic reliability I would have no complaints.


All Replies

This message was authored by Exiled-in-HH This message was authored by: Exiled-in-HH

Re: Sky stream is so flaky

Who is your ISP?

Topic Author
This message was authored by Marvinator This message was authored by: Marvinator

Re: Sky stream is so flaky

EE. Why?

This message was authored by Exiled-in-HH This message was authored by: Exiled-in-HH

Re: Sky stream is so flaky

There have been issues with various ISPs🤔


There should be negligible issues with EE😉

This message was authored by lettice This message was authored by: lettice

Re: Sky stream is so flaky

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Having good broadband is key to Sky Stream.
From your speed you mention to your house you do seem to have a perfect speed.

You maybe doing some of below, but just some help pointers.

See you are mentioning an ethernet and wifi mix, which should be fine, unless your household local bandwidth is sometimes heavily hogged or your wifi distribution is sometimes not as good as it should be.

Can you do a network speed test on each of your Pucks.
Launch Netflix on your pucks (you do not need to be logged into it, if you do not use netflix) and scroll down the left menu to Get help.
Choose Check Network.
Would suggest running the test a few times, say a few minutes between tests.
What is your speed for each puck?
Would suggest running with single pucks on and all pucks on during the tests.

Also, it may be suffering from interference,, the puck much like a Sky Q box can for some customers suffer from this at times. More often seen as an intermittent blip.
Not always a cure, but the following may help to resolve;

Make sure you have a good 6-8 inches free on all sides of the puck.
Do not stack the puck on top of any other device.

Best not to sit it on a glass shelf. Wood is generally the best.

Make sure the puck is in the open, not tucked away in a cabinet or sat directly behind the TV.
Make sure you have no other devices that can cause interference closeby, like cordless phones, radiators, baby monitors, microwaves and the like.
Assume you are using the Sky supplied hdmi cable or a high speed equivalent one.

Plus, change both your pucks to following recommended settings set in Settings>
Turn wifi OFF under Network (f connected via ethernet).
Set Network standby mode to ON and Overnight power saving is OFF.


More information like the above on the Sky FAQ help pages like here from page three;


Sky Community Superuser. What is a Superuser? Click here to find out
Sky Stream with two pucks (Former Sky Q and Sky+ customer), Sky Ultrafast + using Sky SR203 hub. Sky Protect kit tester.
My good journey to Sky Stream from Sky Q. Click here to read
This message was authored by lettice This message was authored by: lettice

Re: Sky stream is so flaky

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

One thing we have found, is if you connect an ethernet cable and turn off wifi in settings, make sure you power off the puck and leave off for a few minutes, before powering back on.

This makes sure the wifi off settings gets correctly actioned.

Sky Community Superuser. What is a Superuser? Click here to find out
Sky Stream with two pucks (Former Sky Q and Sky+ customer), Sky Ultrafast + using Sky SR203 hub. Sky Protect kit tester.
My good journey to Sky Stream from Sky Q. Click here to read
This message was authored by lettice This message was authored by: lettice

Re: Sky stream is so flaky

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Exiled-in-HH wrote:

There have been issues with various ISPs🤔


There should be negligible issues with EE😉

The only one recently a few months back that caused more major issues to customers was  Hyperoptic.

They and Sky have mentioned those issues are now fixed.

Not aware of any other ISP issues at this time.

Sky Community Superuser. What is a Superuser? Click here to find out
Sky Stream with two pucks (Former Sky Q and Sky+ customer), Sky Ultrafast + using Sky SR203 hub. Sky Protect kit tester.
My good journey to Sky Stream from Sky Q. Click here to read
This message was authored by Exiled-in-HH This message was authored by: Exiled-in-HH

Re: Sky stream is so flaky

@lettice wrote:

Having good broadband is key to Sky Stream.
From your speed you mention to your house you do seem to have a perfect speed.

You maybe doing some of below, but just some help pointers.

See you are mentioning an ethernet and wifi mix, which should be fine, unless your household local bandwidth is sometimes heavily hogged or your wifi distribution is sometimes not as good as it should be.

Can you do a network speed test on each of your Pucks.
Launch Netflix on your pucks (you do not need to be logged into it, if you do not use netflix) and scroll down the left menu to Get help.
Choose Check Network.
Would suggest running the test a few times, say a few minutes between tests.
What is your speed for each puck?
Would suggest running with single pucks on and all pucks on during the tests.

Also, it may be suffering from interference,, the puck much like a Sky Q box can for some customers suffer from this at times. More often seen as an intermittent blip.
Not always a cure, but the following may help to resolve;

Make sure you have a good 6-8 inches free on all sides of the puck.
Do not stack the puck on top of any other device.

Best not to sit it on a glass shelf. Wood is generally the best.

Make sure the puck is in the open, not tucked away in a cabinet or sat directly behind the TV.

Make sure you have no other devices that can cause interference closeby, like cordless phones, radiators, baby monitors, microwaves and the like.
Assume you are using the Sky supplied hdmi cable or a high speed equivalent one.

Plus, change both your pucks to following recommended settings set in Settings>
Turn wifi OFF under Network (f connected via ethernet).
Set Network standby mode to ON and Overnight power saving is OFF.

Are those guidelines given to superusers by Sky?

This message was authored by Exiled-in-HH This message was authored by: Exiled-in-HH

Re: Sky stream is so flaky

@lettice wrote:

@Exiled-in-HH wrote:

There have been issues with various ISPs🤔


There should be negligible issues with EE😉

The only one recently a few months back that caused more major issues to customers was  Hyperoptic.

They and Sky have mentioned those issues are now fixed.

Not aware of any other ISP issues at this time.

... BUT always a starting point for anomalous issues🤔

Topic Author
This message was authored by Marvinator This message was authored by: Marvinator

Re: Sky stream is so flaky

Thanks folks. Will try all these things.


what about Network Standby mode? On or off? 

This message was authored by lettice This message was authored by: lettice

Re: Sky stream is so flaky

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Marvinator wrote:

Thanks folks. Will try all these things.


what about Network Standby mode? On or off? 

Set Network standby mode to ON

Sky Community Superuser. What is a Superuser? Click here to find out
Sky Stream with two pucks (Former Sky Q and Sky+ customer), Sky Ultrafast + using Sky SR203 hub. Sky Protect kit tester.
My good journey to Sky Stream from Sky Q. Click here to read
This message was authored by Jporch316 This message was authored by: Jporch316

Re: Sky stream is so flaky

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more


I used powelines for a while with my sky glass and suffered various network drops. I eventually switched to wifi on all my devices and have had a lot less issues 


the trouble is everyone's setup is different and everyone's home is different ! It's worth trying different configurations of connections to see which runs best in your environment 

43inch Gen 1 and 55 inch Gen 2 Sky Glass & sky live camera 3 Pucks. Virgin media M350 hub 5x. Four sky mobile sims.
This message was authored by Matt+Nunns This message was authored by: Matt+Nunns

Re: Sky stream is so flaky

It certainly is! Either audio sync issues, audio dropping out on some apps, subtitles randomly stop working. Randomly starts saying loading content on all channels (despite a full fibre 300mbps service and direct cable into the router) the worst thing is that Sky don't actually seem bothered or don't seem to think there are any issues! 

This message was authored by Jimmy2071 This message was authored by: Jimmy2071

Re: Sky stream is so flaky

Exactly the same problems.  Ended up contacting sky a number of times.  In the end they sent a 'newer' puck to me.  Hoped this would be the end of the issue.  It hasn't been.  Resigned to the fact that Sky are sending out flaky devices and have no intention of sorting the problem


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