Discussion topic: Sky Stream, all playlists empty and recently watched vanished

This message was authored by Graeme-D This message was authored by: Graeme-D

Sky Stream, all playlists empty and recently watched vanished

So as of tonight all my sky stream pucks are as if they were fresh out the box. All out viewing history and playlist and favourites have vanished. Anyone else have this issue and how to rectify?


All Replies

This message was authored by KATE76 This message was authored by: KATE76

Re: Sky Stream, all playlists empty and recently watched vanished

Yes my playlist & recently watched has also disappeared. Turned off & on numerous times (plug) no difference. 

Topic Author
This message was authored by Graeme-D This message was authored by: Graeme-D

Re: Sky Stream, all playlists empty and recently watched vanished

Yeah seem to be either a new version pushed to the pucks has broken them or SKY backed os broken, but nothing shows  on thier status checker.

Topic Author
This message was authored by Graeme-D This message was authored by: Graeme-D

Re: Sky Stream, all playlists empty and recently watched vanished

This message was authored by CornishNick This message was authored by: CornishNick

Re: Sky Stream, all playlists empty and recently watched vanished

Same here - no playlists and no recently watched. Will they return? A bit annoying. 

This message was authored by Plungoer This message was authored by: Plungoer


My playlists have disappeared 

This message was authored by Phil176 This message was authored by: Phil176

Re: Sky Stream, all playlists empty and recently watched vanished

Our playlists have also disappeared; my wife is really upset. Sky doesn't seem to have posted any  acknowlegement there is a problem, or that they are working on a fix - assuming that there will be one.

This message was authored by Meg59 This message was authored by: Meg59

Re: Playlist

I have the same issue. Tried rebooting glass tv and Internet.......nothing.
This message was authored by Phil176 This message was authored by: Phil176

Re: Sky Stream, all playlists empty and recently watched vanished

The issue is not just with pucks, our Sky Glass TV has no playlists either

This message was authored by Sjs1 This message was authored by: Sjs1

Re: Playlist

Ours have too!

This message was authored by MarkGoldsmith This message was authored by: MarkGoldsmith

Re: Sky Stream, all playlists empty and recently watched vanished

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

You can still see the contents of your playlist if you go to Playlist -> Manage All

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This message was authored by hugh+t+5000 This message was authored by: hugh+t+5000

My playlist just disappeared completely.. I have Sky Screen.

My playlist has vanished. Switching box off and on made no difference. Help?
This message was authored by bert0477 This message was authored by: bert0477

Playlist + Continue Watching Has Vanished

Anyone else having playlist and continue watching issues. 

The playlist on all our profiles has vanished and so has continue watching. 

I have done a complete restart but they still have not returned. 
 I've also had a few lipsynch issues and there is also a delay in getting to the main menu when I press the home button. 

just wondering if others are having the same problems? 

This message was authored by Meg59 This message was authored by: Meg59

Re: Playlist

Now tv has turned irltself off!!!! With is going Sky?
This message was authored by lettice This message was authored by: lettice

Re: Sky Stream, all playlists empty and recently watched vanished

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Same here, all playlists are now empty.

Manage all seems populated.

Continue watching has been reduced to only Netflix content.


Looks like some kind of glitch has happened.

Sky Community Superuser. What is a Superuser? Click here to find out
Sky Stream with two pucks (Former Sky Q and Sky+ customer), Sky Ultrafast + using Sky SR203 hub. Sky Protect kit tester.
My good journey to Sky Stream from Sky Q. Click here to read

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