Discussion topic: Sky Puck Restarts When watching UHD Sky Sports

This message was authored by Jevans4 This message was authored by: Jevans4

Sky Puck Restarts When watching UHD Sky Sports

Sky Stream Puck will do a re-start randomly when watching Skysports in UHD does not happen for any other UHD content. Is there a fix for this? Seems a common issue is it being resolved as not getting any value for UHD sports as I can not watch them


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This message was authored by GD1 This message was authored by: GD1

Re: Sky Puck Restarts When watching UHD Sky Sports

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Jevans4  It's not a common issue as I've never had this occur.   If it's doing it on UHD sports it may be down to the speed the puck is getting?  How is the puck connected to your hub?  What speed is the puck getting via the Netflix - Help - Sped test?

Like you I'm a customer here, Sky Employees are clearly identified as such.
43" Glass TV & Puck Whole Home
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Topic Author
This message was authored by Jevans4 This message was authored by: Jevans4

Re: Sky Puck Restarts When watching UHD Sky Sports

By Common I mean there seems to be other people who have had the issue seems to have been posted about last year. I've got 1Gb internet it's on WiFi but the WiFi speed next to the puck is like 800Mb don't get any issues with any other UHD content and nothing ever buffers or has any quality issues. It will play perfectly then the Puck will just shut itself off and then come back on with the black and white sky screen 

Topic Author
This message was authored by Jevans4 This message was authored by: Jevans4

Re: Sky Puck Restarts When watching UHD Sky Sports

Also if I watch it from my playlist (still live) it doesn't do it so must be a software glitch 

This message was authored by James16bsjiejsbs This message was authored by: James16bsjiejsbs

Re: Sky Puck Restarts When watching UHD Sky Sports

Did you ever get a fix for this? My sky sports uhd does the same. 

Topic Author
This message was authored by Jevans4 This message was authored by: Jevans4

Re: Sky Puck Restarts When watching UHD Sky Sports

I ended up getting WiFi boosters that I then connected the Sky box to via Ethernet. Has happened since but very annoying as can't hide the booster boxes. Can only presume it's due to a WiFi drop out (I've got 1Gwh WiFi and the pick up is like 700MB download on the box but still didn't stop it) and the box just resets rather than buffer or something 

Topic Author
This message was authored by Jevans4 This message was authored by: Jevans4

Re: Sky Puck Restarts When watching UHD Sky Sports

Hasn't *

This message was authored by Steblack1983 This message was authored by: Steblack1983

Re: Sky Puck Restarts When watching UHD Sky Sports

Yeah I have the same issue, Sky Sports UHD will just shut my box down. When it comes back on I get the message "there's a technical fault" with every channel. I also have 1GB WiFi and have no problems using other streaming services or any apps on the stream puck even in UHD. Waste of money if you ask me. I'm thinking of going back to Sky Q 😡


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