Discussion topic: Remote

This message was authored by bobbiec This message was authored by: bobbiec


Set up Sky stream on TV and paired the remote following the instructions on screen. All good until I tried to get the remote to control the volume and the screen froze. Tried several times but no luck. My other half rang Sky this morning and spoke to a most unhelpful advisor who told him to keep doing what we've done several times and then told him I can't help you anymore znd put the phone down !! My Sky app seems to have given up too, as I can't access my account details. Not impressed at all


All Replies

This message was authored by Padam_Padam This message was authored by: Padam_Padam

Re: Remote

@bobbiec wrote:

Set up Sky stream on TV and paired the remote following the instructions on screen. All good until I tried to get the remote to control the volume and the screen froze. Tried several times but no luck. My other half rang Sky this morning and spoke to a most unhelpful advisor who told him to keep doing what we've done several times and then told him I can't help you anymore znd put the phone down !! My Sky app seems to have given up too, as I can't access my account details. Not impressed at all

Yeah, unfortunately Sky Stream can be glitchy for some people. 

The best advice is to turn it off at the wall for 10 minutes then power it back on and try again. If it's still not functioning then a factory reset is probably the next best thing to do. This will let you start from scratch, activating the box, connecting your remote and connecting to your broadband. 

This message was authored by Daniel-F This message was authored by: Daniel-F

Re: Remote

Posted by a Sky employee

Hi @bobbiec 

I’ve escalated your post to Sky and the Messaging Team may get in touch with you later.

Look out for a blue/red speech bubble at the bottom of your forum page. You’ll then have 48 hours to click on it and join the private chat or it will close automatically. If you fail to respond to each chat reply within 48 hours the chat will again close down automatically even if your issue hasn’t been resolved. Replies from Sky aren’t instant so you’ll just need to check the chat thread regularly.

This link explains the Community Messaging process.

Community Moderator
This message was authored by Lisa-P1987 This message was authored by: Lisa-P1987

Re: Remote

Posted by a Sky employee

Thanks for escalating this. We’ve sent @bobbiec an invite to chat.


Lisa - Sky Tech Team Expert
This message was authored by Jporch316 This message was authored by: Jporch316

Re: Remote

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more



try the below 

I The remote can be reset and paired again following these steps;

  1.   Press and hold 7 and 9 together on your Sky remote for three seconds.
  2.   Press and hold 4 and 6 together for three seconds.
  3.   Press and hold 1 and 3 together for three seconds and follow the on-screen instructions.


Or if the remote is defective the following link allows you to request a replacement remote under warranty 

Replace remote



43inch Gen 1 and 55 inch Gen 2 Sky Glass & sky live camera 3 Pucks. Virgin media M350 hub 5x. Four sky mobile sims.

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