Discussion topic: Recording from wrong channel on sky stream

This message was authored by John_A This message was authored by: John_A

Recording from wrong channel on sky stream

On some occasions when I set something on my playlist to record from the sky cricket channel it records from the main event channel instead so I find that I start watching cricket and it then changes to some other event some way through. Similarly yesterday I chose to watch the women's ODI match which started at 10:30am. I wasn't able to watch unti about 11:15 so selected it from the cricket channel and then selected watch from the start. All fine. Had to go our for a couple of hours. Turned on again and selected continue watching. Again all fine until near end of first innings it switched to F1 racing so although I'd started from the cricket channel it had actually been recording from main event. By this time the match was over anyway so missed the rest. Very frustrating. Also linked to that is the fact it is even more frustrating that you can't actually talk to anyone at sky. If you try any number you just get the offer of a text to come to this community forum. Hoping someone can help



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