Discussion topic: Play/pause button doesn’t work on Channel 4 App

This message was authored by KatherineLM This message was authored by: KatherineLM

Play/pause button doesn’t work on Channel 4 App

When watching TV through Sky Stream and opening up the Channel 4 App, the stand alone play/pause button on the remote does nothing. Additionally, when pressing the central button on the remote (the one inside the ring) this doesn't play or pause either. I have to hold down left or right to fast forward or rewind, but then I have no way of pressing play again. All a bit bizarre and not user friendly at all. I have done all the usual things i.e. restarts but the issue persists.


All Replies

This message was authored by hegarty7 This message was authored by: hegarty7

Re: Play/pause button doesn’t work on Channel 4 App

Try double clicking the middle button. I had the same issue and was pressing random things to find what worked - this worked.

This message was authored by hegarty7 This message was authored by: hegarty7

Re: Play/pause button doesn’t work on Channel 4 App

Additionally, after doing what I said, the play/pause button now works. 

This message was authored by gomlet99 This message was authored by: gomlet99

Re: Play/pause button doesn’t work on Channel 4 App

Whilst watching All 4 app on Sky Glass, pressing the Pause button works properly at first, but later in the programme the pause produces a static advertisement, and nothing else. As such Pause is useles.Is this a ploy by Channel 4 to get you to see extra adverts? Any ideas ?


This message was authored by David19741 This message was authored by: David19741

Re: Play/pause button doesn’t work on Channel 4 App

I have exactly the same experience with Channel 4 on Sky Stream as KatherineLM above. Pause doesn't work and the rewind/fast forward seems to work but if I manage to stop it, which is difficult, I'm back where I started. 

This message was authored by gomlet99 This message was authored by: gomlet99

Re: Play/pause button doesn’t work on Channel 4 App

I found a fix for my problem. When a static advert appears in 'pause' the All4 logo appears at top left. After a few seconds this logo disappears and a 'Return' button is revealed. Select this return and the paused programme re-appears. It's amazing the lengths these people go to, to make you see their adverts for a few seconds longer. Or is it something more sinister? Perhaps Moulder and Scully could have a look.  Only kidding. I'm not really that much of a conspiracy theorist. Or am I?


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