Discussion topic: Pixelating and sound out

This message was authored by Bignick414 This message was authored by: Bignick414

Pixelating and sound out

Why is my sky stream piixelating and my sound is out on some channels..

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This message was authored by GeoffG42 This message was authored by: GeoffG42

Re: Pixelating and sound out

I have mentioned this on another board, we get pixelation a few nights a week. We have to shut down the puck and carry on, it's annoying and frustrating. We are also having trouble with the start up, the remote is supposed to start TV as well as the puck. Recently we are having to turn the TV off at the switch to re-sink the devices, not sure why this is happening? If no answers are forthcoming from Sky we may have to say goodbye.

This message was authored by Exiled-in-HH This message was authored by: Exiled-in-HH

Re: Pixelating and sound out

@GeoffG42  Let us know what advice you receive from Sky😉


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