Discussion topic: My sky Puck won’t accept my WiFi password

This message was authored by Andy+Simpson1992 This message was authored by: Andy+Simpson1992

My sky Puck won’t accept my WiFi password

Every time I turn my sky stream puck on it hasn't automatically connected to WiFi,

It asks for me to connect to WiFi which I try and it won't accept my WiFi password, 


I can connect it by resetting the puck to factory settings and setting up as a new puck 

this accepts the same WiFi password then 


this has happened for the last 5 days 


I've turned the pucks off and internet for 5 minutes still doesn't work 

left them off for 24 hours still doesn't work 


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This message was authored by Mister_Dalek This message was authored by: Mister_Dalek

Re: My sky Puck won’t accept my WiFi password

@Andy+Simpson1992 wrote:

Every time I turn my sky stream puck on it hasn't automatically connected to WiFi,

It asks for me to connect to WiFi which I try and it won't accept my WiFi password, 


I can connect it by resetting the puck to factory settings and setting up as a new puck 

this accepts the same WiFi password then 


this has happened for the last 5 days 


I've turned the pucks off and internet for 5 minutes still doesn't work 

left them off for 24 hours still doesn't work 

Do you have network standby turned on in the network settings on the puck?


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