Discussion topic: Lip Sync issues - Sky Stream

This message was authored by FunkyL This message was authored by: FunkyL

Re: Lip Sync issues - Sky Stream

I'm curious why UPnP would resolve the issue - that is usually just to do with automated opening of network ports.  Regardless if it works then great, but do note that enabling UPnP in your router consistutes  major network security hazard for your home network (but lots of ISP enable by default so  you would not be alone in that)

This message was authored by red_snow This message was authored by: red_snow

Re: Lip Sync issues - Sky Stream

Fully agree with what has been said, and earlier today I disabled UPnP as I'm not a fan, despite most ISP routers have this enabled. Also could not see if UPnP on my setup had actually opened any ports (which I suspect would have been outbound only), which also makes me uneasy.


Not had time to fully test, but having UPnP disabled, and IPv6 disabled, it seems (touch wood) still to be working as I would expect.


I hope it stays this way, as it's like a new system!


Of course, could be totally coincidental, and a new firmware build has been pushed out and fixed it 😁😁

This message was authored by Zoltron This message was authored by: Zoltron

Re: Lip Sync issues - Sky Stream

If disabling IPv6 and Enabling UPnP is the fix then this is a huge security risk.


You are basically inviting malicious actors to open whatever ports on your network they wish.


And with the uptick of IoT threats is one of the reasons UPnP is disabled on my network. Sky Glass worked fine, this lip sync issue has only been a problem for me since end of October, and UPnP has never been enabled on my network.

This message was authored by cynonvalleyboy This message was authored by: cynonvalleyboy

Re: Lip Sync issues - Sky Stream

Lip sync issues 

SKY seem to let all users try this that and the other hoping that one of us stumbles across a solution 😕 and have no input at all 

This message was authored by Chloe-W22 This message was authored by: Chloe-W22 Answer

Re: Lip Sync issues - Sky Stream

Posted by a Sky employee

Hi all,


We want to thank you again for your patience whilst we investigate the issue with Lip Sync on Sky Glass and Stream. We understand that this has been frustrating and we’re sorry for the inconvenience this has caused. We thank you for sharing examples of the issue, these always help our Support Teams working hard behind the scenes.


On Tuesday we began rolling out software version QS034.023.02 to Sky Stream customers, and this morning have begun the rollout for QS034.023.04 for Sky Glass customers to improve the lip sync experience.  The software update is a gradual rollout, where we expect all Sky Glass and Stream customers to have their new software by the end of January.


Thank you again for getting involved in this discussion and we will continue to monitor any feedback on this thread following the update.


I'll be marking this reply as the answer to the thread so more people see it.


Community Manager


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This message was authored by Bluegiraffe This message was authored by: Bluegiraffe

Re: Lip Sync issues - Sky Stream


Can you please give any details on what the issue was please?


This message was authored by Bluegiraffe This message was authored by: Bluegiraffe

Re: Lip Sync issues - Sky Stream

I can confirm my firmware version is QS034.023.02P now

I assume that's not the new firmware, since it has the P?



This message was authored by Chrisee This message was authored by: Chrisee

Re: Lip Sync issues - Sky Stream

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@Bluegiraffe that is the same firmware version as I have on my pucks which contains the fix. It seems to be working for me.


Sky rarely comment on fixes but we know this had a high priority and took time to sort so it wasn't simple. 

65inch Sky Glass, 3 Sky Streaming Pucks, Sky Ultrafast + and Sky SR213(white Wifi Max hub) main Wifi from 3 TP-Link Deco M4 units in access point mode
This message was authored by Bluegiraffe This message was authored by: Bluegiraffe

Re: Lip Sync issues - Sky Stream

Good to know thank you. I know most companies just do the old 'Fixed performance issues' note, would still be good to know some idea of the root cause, I am QC Lead at a software company when we push out software updates at work we would make some information available as to the fix.


But I guess who cares as long as we can start complaining about something else now 🤣



This message was authored by KG648 This message was authored by: KG648

Re: Lip Sync issues - Sky Stream

Seems I'm still on the old version QS034.022.00P.


I assume there is nothing I can do to force an update?

This message was authored by Mark39 This message was authored by: Mark39

Re: Lip Sync issues - Sky Stream

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

@KG648 wrote:

Seems I'm still on the old version QS034.022.00P.


I assume there is nothing I can do to force an update?

Nope. It's a matter of waiting, I'm afraid.

This message was authored by Balders2 This message was authored by: Balders2

Sky Stream lip sync and freezing

My Sky puk arrived today and I've plugged it in and connected via WiFi. However all evening the lip sync of programs we are watching has been out and also the picture keeps freezing for a few seconds. What am I doing wrong? I'm thinking of buying at Cat6 earthnet cable to see if it improves. If it doesn't I will be cancelling within my 31 days 😞

please help, thank you

This message was authored by Fothergill1 This message was authored by: Fothergill1

Re: Sky Stream lip sync and freezing

Posted by a Superuser, not a Sky employee. Find out more

Hi @Balders2 The lip sync is a known issue and Sky started rolling out a fix for it on Tuesday.  It takes a while to complete the rollout but every subscriber should be updated by the end of the month.  I found that if the lip sync went out a quick flip to another channel and back again usually got everything back in sync.


One of the main reasons for freezing is the quality and speed of the Wi-Fi signal being received at the TV/puck and not that being received at the router.  This can be checked with the Netflix App (Get help > Check network) and is often much less than you might expect. The minimum speeds  recommended by Sky are as follows:

HD = 25mbps

UHD = 30mbps

HD + 1 puck = 30mbps

UHD + 1 puck = 35mbps


These speeds assume there is nothing else using up your bandwidth.


If your speed at the TV is borderline try connecting via Ethernet cable as you have already said you might try. An ethernet connection will  generally only give you about 80-90mbps as the pucks only support an ethernet speed up to 100mbps but the signal is generally more stable than wi-fi which be can be effected by lots of different factors.


Good luck.


If my post has solved your issue please mark as an "Answer"
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This message was authored by jtonline This message was authored by: jtonline

Re: Sky Stream lip sync and freezing

  • Connecting the Sky Stream puck via ethernet to the router is a good idea if practical to do so; that's what Ive done.
  • You need a consistent broadband connection speed at the puck of at least 25Mbps (30Mbps if you add an extra Sky Stream puck or watch in UHD).
  • An easy way to check what connection speed your puck is getting is to go to Apps and choose Netflix, then select 'Get help' from the menu on the bottom left-hand side of the Netflix main screen, then scroll down and select 'Check your network'. After a few seconds it will show your connection speed.
  • Lip Sync is an ongoing issue for some users and Sky say they are looking into it.  See this thread https://helpforum.sky.com/t5/Sky-Stream/Lip-Sync-issues-Sky-Stream/td-p/4607728
    If you go to 'Settings' at the bottom of your home screen and select 'Picture and sound', then choose 'Sound' you can change the 'Digital audio output HDMI' to 'PCM Stereo' and/or change the value of 'Digital audio delay HDMI' in milliseconds. Either or both of those changes may correct your lipsync issue if your broadband is up to the job of streaming.
This message was authored by JeffGall This message was authored by: JeffGall

Re: Lip Sync issues - Sky Stream

I now have QS034.023.02

and the issue has changed but not gone away.  Now every so often the screen goes black and it briefly says please wait while the program loads,  


when it reloads the lips are out of sync,  changing stations resolves the problem.   I had changed the sound settings back to the default auto.  




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